
Nola refuses to admit her feelings for Elon, even though she’s practically rubbing her crotch right on his face!

The stall doors bolt open as I hear Nola say, "Elon!" but unfortunately for her, only I was there. "Where's Elon?"

"Sorry, Nola, but he was never here."

"But I heard his voice!"

I tap my phone.

"Sorry, Nola," Elon's voice was being played, "but the doctor made me do it. She wants to do an experiment so she made me say that."


"Nola, you just went, even with me being here and without Elon being in there with you."

"I... I... did..."

"Let's go back to the office."

We start walking but she ends up tripping. I catch her before she falls. She quickly pulls up her panties and we continue out of the bathroom.

At the office I tell her, "Do you know what happened?"

"I went without him... does that mean I'm cured?"

"Cured? Let's not assume things just yet, but so far we have discovered that you can go without Elon's presence."

"But how? I've never been able to before."

"Nola, you are in love with Elon, right? You want him to be your boyfriend."

"No... I don't."

"But isn't it a coincidence that you finally went when he confessed his feelings for you, even if it was staged?"

"That was mean of you. You shouldn't play with a girls hear like that.. but I don't like him, I'm just saying."

"Nola, you should just stop denying it. It's obvious, you like him. This incident proves it. You are in love with him."

"No, I'm not. I was promised one Elon for here and you didn't deliver. I am not satisfied with my order. I want a refund."

What did she just say? It must be a device to continue her denial. Why won't she admit her true feelings? I gotta figure out a way to scoop this out of her so we can proceed forward.

"Elon is waiting for you outside."

"He is?"

"He's waiting outside by his car. I figured if my little experiment didn't work, I would call him in."

"You should have called him anyways so I could've gone sooner."

"He was only a last resort. I'm actually glad I didn't had to summon him. Now, it's time to finally face your feelings."

"I don't have feelings like that. Even if I did, I see him as my brother rather than a friend. He sees me as a sister anyway, so it doesn't matter."

"Are you going to hide these feelings for the rest of you life?"

"Yes- I mean, I don't have those feelings!"

"Then what made you go?"

"The promise of Elon coming over."

"But you need him to be in there in order for you to go."

"True... but he was at close proximity."


"Yeah. You know, like personal space... well, he was at super close proximity enough to activate my peeing glands or whatever they are called."

"But he wasn't even here at all to begin with, just his voice."

"Well, then.... aliens."


"Yeah. It was aliens. They somehow abducted me and probed me everywhere and then sent me back in the toilet but they turned back time to the time they abducted me and because they probed me, that relaxed my muscles and allowed me to pee. This is a one in a billion chance and it will never happen again so I still need Elon to peep in order for me to go."

Okay, now she's just playing around. She's going to fight this, isn't she?

"I'm going to text Elon what happened and you report to him. Now, he's waiting outside by the car. Why don't just go for now. I think I have enough."

"Fine." and she leaves bitterly.

I approach the window to look at the parking lot. I am at the third floor so I can't see him too well, but I do notice Elon looking at me. Though he probably doesn't see me as there may be glare from the sun, but I wave anyways. I see Nola running up to him and giving him a big hug. That's pretty nice of her.

Wait a minute... did she just put her hand on his butt?


It's kind of hard to tell from this distance but I swear I saw that hand going somewhere it shouldn't.

Well, anyways, they drive off as I let my phone play:

"You really want me to say my honest feelings?"

"Yeah. Just be honest. Say it as if she was here."

"Okay. Well, Nola, you are my friend, and you are like my sister. I care about you, that's why I want you to seek help. I'm sure you are not happy with this, and I want to help you too, but I can't be with you forever. In fact, I know that you have a crush on me, and I'm sorry but I can't return those feelings. I don't think it would be right to do so. But Nola, don't think that I'm abandoning you or anything. I'll be with you forever. Don't be afraid Nola. You can get better and live a fulfilling life, but you have to move on without me now. It's not healthy to be so dependent on someone. I want to be there but not like this. Please Nola, just get better. I want you to be happy, to live without anxiety. I want you to truly feel that you are loved, because you are. Because I love you.



Nola, I love you."

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