
Nola refuses to tell the doctor her embarassing bathroom problem but Elon is there to tell us all, much to her embarassement.

Me and Elon were taken back to the office. I can't believe that the doctor caught us. I feel so embarrassed. I promised Elon nobody would ever find out, but she assured us she would not tell anyone.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Relax, Nola." she told us but the fact that she knows is making me feel terrible. I refuse to talk, so she decides to talk to Elon. Oh, Elon, don't tell her anything embarrassing.

"Elon, how long has this been going on?"

"Since we were in kindergarten."

"That long, huh? You're quite a friend to put up with it for so long."

"Yeah, don't remind me. Can you help her?"

"I'm afraid perhaps not. I am also unfamiliar with this. It's strange."

I don't like how they're talking about me like this. I just want to die right now. I should say something, but what can I say? I'm too nervous and embarrassed to let them know anything about myself. Maybe they'll just go on without paying attention to me. Just sit quiet and this will be over.

"Nola," oh no, she's addressing me. Why? Don't make me talk. "From what I've seen and read, looks like you may have a confidence problem. Mind telling us something about yourself when you were a young?"

No, please, don't make me talk. I don't feel like talking. I just want to go home and forget this whole thing. Come on, Elon, it's no so bad. I gave you permission to peek now. Boys want to peek at girls, right?

"Nola..." No, she wants me to answer.

"Nola, answer her." You too, Elon?

"I see. Elon, looks like you'll have to tell me."

"Doctor, I don't know either. She is socially inept but I don't know the source."

"Well, how did you meet her?"

"Well, in kindergarten, she wanted to use the bathroom." No, Elon, don't tell her the story, "She was just outside but to scared to go in, and she really needed to go. I approached her and asked what was wrong." No no no no, don't tell her, "She asked me to accompany her. I didn't understood back then what she meant, and really didn't thought much of it, but I followed her anyways ."

AH! No! Elon, how could you! I want to die right now! This is too much!

"I see. Well, you must have been like 4 or 5 years old, so I don't blame you, but I'm sure you eventually got tired of it."

"Yeah, that's right."

Why? Why are we playing this blame game? Am I really the one to blame?

"Nola," oh no, there she goes again, "I can't help you psychologically unless you cooperate. Please open up to me and share."

No, I can't. The words won't escape my mouth. I'd rather not, this is not going well.

She eventually gives up on me an goes back to Elon, "what about her parents?"

"They won't get her help. They say me going with her is fine. I disagree but they won't listen to me."

"And your parents?"

"My mom agrees with hers and my dad is henpecked by her. He won't do anything either."

"I see. This is truly troubling. This is going to take a lot of work and maybe years to fix."


"This is not something you can fix over night. She's going to have to come to therapy for the foreseeable future."

"You mean I got to follow her to the bathroom for years to come? I'm going to move out of my parents apartment when I become an adult."

Wait, does this mean that Elon will stay? Is he going to continue to go to the bathroom with me? Oh, yes! Good.

"No, Elon," WHAT!? "I meant her mental state. That's going to require work. Her physical problem, her not going to the bathroom, there may be hope for that. I briefly went online to look up some information. I don't know what it is that is clogging her up without a doctor's analysis, and her records don't show any recent visits. Nola, I suggest your parents get you checked up again about this."

Mind your own business... is what I wanted to say, but I just nod.

She continues, "From what I can tell, she seems to require you, Elon, because you kept going in with her. Whatever this problem is, something in her mind seems to relax her when you're around. I take it she has a timid personality, that also isn't helping. In order to fix this problem, we need to figure out what triggers that comfort."

"So what do you suggest? Simply thinking of me doesn't work, she needs me to be literally there for her to go."

"I'll have to research this topic but I can assure you that there may be a way for her to go without you."


"Really!?" I finally spoke, "What is it?"


"Tell me doctor. Please, tell me. I feel so bad for Elon, I want him to be happy. Please tell me."

"...massage therapy."

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