
Chatper 8: Elon the doormat, instead of standing up for himself and telling Nola she broke his promise continues to lay on the ground to be stepped on

She broke our promise. She said that she wasn't going to drink any soda until I got home. I should be mad... but of course, I'm not. Just disappointed.

I just can't fight fate, and it's mostly from my and her parents. Well, my mom anyways. My dad agrees with me that she should get help, but that doesn't mean anything as he is also powerless against the combine powers of my mom her hers. I'm sure Nola's dad would be too. It's like the women decided everything here. I have to go to the bathroom with her? My mom is like, "you be a good little boy and follow Nola to the bathroom." She said that when I was a kid AND a month ago. I can't wait to get out of here.

Yesterday, Heather texted that she wants to hang out with me alone. Alone. You know what that means, right? She's probably going to ask me out on a date, or maybe she wants me to ask her. This was suppose to be an amazing opportunity had it not been for my promise to take Nola out to the park today.

This was under the assumption that I hanged out with my friends and I would give her some of my time the next day. I should stand up to Nola. I should put my foot down and tell her that I'm not going out with her today as punishment for breaking the promise she made with me.


Who am I kidding? She's so inept at making friends that she'll just sulk and get depressed if I don't hang out with her. Besides, I have to talk to her. I have to convince her to get some help. Her parents won't listen to reason, but even Nola knows she needs help. Ironically, the only hope Nola has is herself. If I can convince her to find some way to get some help then her parents will be more likely to actually seek it. My pleas do nothing but they'll listen to her for sure if I convince her.

It's 11am and there's the knocking on the door. It's Nola. She's going to use the toilet right now and then we'll be off. Since I'm with her, I'll give her leeway and let her drink whatever she wants today. Yes, even orange soda, she loves that stuff. Once she starts feeling that she's gotta go, we'll just go home. We were suppose to spend all day at the park, but she feels guilty enough to at least break it halfway. Not that it matters. I can't hang out with Heather later today, so I guess I'm just going to play on my computer later on.

So we go to my bathroom. Her bathroom still has that reversed knob. I swear, her dad installed that when I told her mother that diatribe of mine. I refuse to enter her bathroom until that is remove. Yeah. I'm putting my foot- eh... I got to stop saying that. Nothing good comes from it.

So now she's done using the toilet and we head over to my dad.

"Dad, how's my car?"

He tosses me the keys, "ready to go."

"Really? You fixed it so fast?"

"Son, you had a dead battery. Didn't you notice it on the dashboard."

"Dashboard?" I vaguely remember seeing a red symbol glowing, but I didn't knew what it was. Aw jeez, don't tell me this is one of those things that dad's going to make fun of me for a while.

"Son, how about you take a look at the instruction manual and learn the dashboard."

"Yeah, sure."

"I also had to buy a new battery. You will reimburse me, right?"

"Yes, dad, I will. I just need to find a new job."

"I'll hold you to it, son. Now go out on your date."

"Dad..." and of course he says it with Nola next to me, whose all giddy about that remark. Ugh. At that point I just leave.

[Picture ->]

We arrive at Nicely Park. She loves coming here ever since we were kids. It's a nice quiet place, but not in the weekend like today as there are a lot of visitors. She prefers it if we go to the weekday when there aren't that many people, and that's usually how she can use the public toilet. Well, it doesn't matter because as soon as she feels like she's going to go, we head straight home. So drink up, Nola, this is your chance.

But aside from that, I'm here to talk to her about her problem. I have to make it clear that I won't be here anymore in a few years and she needs to find a way to solve this problem she has.



"Don't you think it's time you get some help?"

Nola faces away from me. She has that sad, puppy look on her, but the fact that's she not looking at me means that she knows where I'm going with this and there's no escaping it.

"My parent's won't pay for a psychiatrist."

"Well, you're going to have to convince them. I'm heading to college in a few years. I won't be here to take you anymore."

"Oh... but can't I come with you?"

"No, Nola, you can't come with me."

"Why not? I can live with you, no matter where you go."

"What about you? Where are you planning on going after High School?"

"Umm... anywhere... you are going?" She says that with her trademark awkward smile. I swear she doesn't realize that smile is not natural.

"Nola, do you have any plans for the future? Anything?"

"Do you?"

"Of course, I do."

"What are they?"

"Uhh... well..." Oh no, she got me. I actually don't know what I'm going to do in the future. But I do want to go to college... I just don't know for what. "I'm planning on getting a job and then entering a career with my major. I want to concentrate on my career for a while."

"I guess that's a plan."

"So do you have any plans yourself?"

"Ummm... well...maybe... getting married...?"

Oh great. I know where this is going. "To who exactly?"

"Uhh....ha ha ha...." she nudges me a bit. I am not amused. I better break the news to her.

"Nola, there's a girl I like," And there it goes. Her smile now replace with a frown. "I'm going to ask her out."

"Oh... I see..." sorry Nola, but this for your own good. "Well, what if she doesn't like you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well... you know... girls get jealous easily and... they tend to badger you a lot. They also cheat on you too. Do you really want to risk that? Don't you think it's best not to risk that and... you know... just hang around your friends instead?"

What is she talking about? Guys can easily cheat on girls too. What kind of logic is she going by? Or is this her way to convince me to not pursue Heather? Well, it's pretty bad even for her.

"Nola, I'm going to ask her out, and we'll go on dates and stuff."

I really hate doing this. Nola looks so defeated. But be strong, Elon, you got to do this. It's for her own good.

Wait, what's going on? She's suddenly stepping in front of me.

"I'm sorry Elon for ruining your day out yesterday!"

What is this? What is she doing? "I've forgiven you, Nola."

"What do you want, Elon?"

"Want? What do you mean?"

"I'll do anything to make it up to you!"

"Nola, just forget it. It's fine, really. I still have the rest of summer to hang out with my friends."

"Elon..." Okay, Nola is just standing there. Is she trying to say something? Is she trying to get the courage to ask me out? Because it's obvious this is what this is leading to.

"Nola, just say whatever is on your mind."

"Elon..." she's clenching her fist and scrunching her face. Here it comes, "...do you want to see me naked!?"


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