
Chapter 6: Elon goes to the beach and has a good time, but everyone’s (and I mean EVERYONE) gotta go to the bathroom eventually

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Finally, I get to hang out with my friends in the beach. Feels so good to be outside and just not worry whether or not I'm going to be summoned by Nola.

When you've taken your friend to the bathroom for as long as I have... which is just me, I guess... you tend to create these systems. First off, Nola has to eat healthy. That way we don't spend too long in the bathroom. If you're going to force me into a bathroom by yourself, then I want to get out as quickly as possible, and junk food is just going to make things worse. Healthy food seems to be working as she doesn't spend as much time as before. Well, at least with food. Liquids are the opposite. She can't drink so much, especially soda, and especially orange soda, which is her favorite. She loves that stuff, but they tend to go through her quickly. It's not like I'm telling her to never drink it, but to drink less of it and drink more water. At least water she can retain a lot more.

Yeah, yeah, this is all weird. I get it. I really do. Must I remind you that this is what my life has become? I have to do something about it.

Anyways, I went to the bathroom with Nola this morning. If there is one thing about Nola I can say something positive is that she's really considerate. She knows I don't like this and claims to be getting help. Though I don't see her actually going to any doctor, but at least she follows my system. I encourage her to use the bathroom early in the morning, not eat junk food or drink orange soda in the middle of the day, so by night time I'll be home and... you know.

And that's where I am today. I'm on the beach with my friends. It feels so good just hanging out with them.

Here comes my friend, Rico. He's been my friend since I entered High School. There's also Mel, whose been my friend since Middle School. And... Heather. She's my new friend... and I kind of like her. I wonder if I can ask her out on a date today? Yeah, that would be great.

So we hang out for a bit. We just run around the beach, walking the boardwalk, Heather brought a beach ball and we played a bit of volleyball with it. Well, not the best volleyball but we tried.

Mid-afternoon, we got some pizza. We started talking, laughing, and just having a good time. Eventually, Rico started asking me about Nola.

"Elon, that girl whose always hanging around you, I've been meaning to ask who she is."

"You mean Nola?"

Then Mel responded, "that's just his sister."

"No exactly," I say.


"We're just neighbors. We've known each other since we were in kindergarten. Nothing more to it than that."

"But you two are so close."

"She's just clingy. You know, those kind of girls."

"Or maybe..." Heather asks, "could it be she's your girlfriend?"

Rico and Mel start laughing while she giggles. I was not amused.

"No, she's not."

"Yeah," says Rico, "knock it off, Heather. He's sensitive about that. He doesn't like having Nola be called his girlfriend. Sister or not, he treats her like one."

"Yeah," I agree, "that's more or less how it is."

Then Heather says, "By the way she hangs around you, I say you make a cute couple."

"No, that's not going to happen. It's impossible."

"Well, if she's so close to you, why didn't she come today?"

"Yesterday, she got sick, so she's recuperating."

"Well, when she gets better, she should hang out with us."

Then Mel, "she's too shy around people. I swear, Elon is her only friend."

"Alright, enough about Nola," I tell them, "Let's talk about something else."

Eventually the discussion diverted to something else as we continued our day.

Then came the moment.

Rico and Mel set off somewhere but Heather didn't want to go. We're alone. This could be my chance. We've been friends for a while, but I think she knows I like her. I've been giving subtle hints. Now it's time to see if it all pays off.

"Heather, so. are you enjoying yourself right now?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Summer vacation barely started but it's going to be over before you know. It's best we make the best of it."

"Well... yeah, I guess."

Okay. Here we go.

"Heather... would you-"


My phone? Its vibrating and ringing. Why now of all times? I excuse myself from Heather to see who it is.

Nola? Oh great. What is it?



"What is it?"

"Umm... I need to pee."

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