
Elon tries to reason with his and her parents, which is like trying to reason with a grizzly bear armed with a shot gun on a cliff

All the time, I tell them all the time, to get her some help, but no, they do nothing. My parents, her parents, they keep telling me that they don't need to give her help as long as I'm here. My feelings are never put into consideration, not once.

Why? I don't know. It may have to do that I'm a boy, probably. I have this crazy theory that's the case.

"You're such a strong boy who can pee by yourself, you shouldn't take that for granted."

WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN!? Their logic... it's like, it's from another planet where they do things differently, like going to the bathroom and watching someone pee is a form of entertainment.

I should just give up. I only have 2 more years until I go to college. I might as well just go along with it. No, of course I can't. This is not just about me, it's about Nola. The thing about her is that she seems to... clog up, that's the best way I can describe it without a psychiatrist's involvement. She keeps telling me that she just can't go without me being next to her. Literally, she can hold it in without effort when I'm not around. It just won't go no matter how much she tries, but as soon as I'm in the vicinity, it's now a race to the toilet. That's why sometimes she calls me from the toilet itself. As soon as I open the door and enter, then it goes down.

I don't get it either. It's an enigma of science, I guess.

Whatever this constipated state of hers is, she has to learn to go without me. I mean, am I really going enter the bathroom with her when we're adults. What about my potential career and family life? Is she coming along as well?

For the good of both me and her, this has to stop. I'm putting my foot down!

So I confront my mom, who at the moment was reading a web novel on her tablet. Good, this is the perfect time for her to listen to me.

"Mom, I need to talk."

"What is it, Elon?"

"It's about Nola."

"Oh, did she have a little accident? I told her to call you as soon as she feels something."

"That's exactly what I want to talk to you about. I can't keep doing this anymore, taking her to the bathroom, the girls bathroom, and entering the stall. I'm sick of this. It probably messed up my psyche somehow."

"Elon, honey, I've noticed you have been complaining about this lately. Why the sudden change?"

"Sudden change? I've been complaining about this since kindergarten!"

"Oh, but you were just being cute back then. Now you are being very inconsiderate of Nola."

"Whose being inconsiderate? I'm the one who has to be in the same bathroom while she uses the toilet! You think I enjoy this?"

"Now, son, don't get any crazy ideas. You keep that blindfold on, you got it?"

"Mom! I'm not going to go into the bathroom with her anymore. This is it. She needs help and I am not it."

"Son, how could you? She has a bladder problem and here you are with your healthy kidneys and bladder, making her jealous."

"You keep doing this, mom. You keep doing these strange analogies about healthy body parts that have nothing to do with the discussion."

"Well, son, you are a nice, healthy, young boy and she clearly is a little sick girl. How could you be so inconsiderate?"

"Mom, I'm telling you, I don't want to do this anymore. Even if you somehow convince me, I'll have to go to college eventually. Then what?"

"Well, then we'll arrange something."

"NO MOM! Don't arrange anything! You keep doing that! In middle school, I pleaded to go to a different school. In High School, same thing. Why do you, dad, and her parents keep us together?"

"Now, honey, dear. I see you are angry. How about we have some camomile tea?"

"No, mom, I don't want tea."

"Oh come now, son. It will calm you down."

"No, mom. I'm making it clear, I'm not going to the bathroom with her, and that's final." And I step out of the apartment.

Well... that kind of went well, but it's not over yet. I still have her parents to deal with. And of course, I live right next door, so we might as well do this now. I have to let them know that I'm putting my foot down.

I knock on the door and her mom invites me in.

"Why Elon, what a surprise. Nola is not here right now. She went to the grocery store."

"That's actually perfect. I need to talk to you about your daughter."

She then gasps. Oh great, I know where this is going....

"Well, Elon, we'll have to talk to her father about this, but I'm sure he'll approve. I can't believe it. Our little Nola has a boyfriend."

"No, Mrs. Uro, I'm not dating your daughter. After what I've experienced, I can't even shake her hand without needing to wash mine."

"Oh, Elon, you just don't know-"

"What I do know is that she needs help."

"Oh. That again."

"Yes, again. Listen, there's only two more years left of this. I'm a shoe in for college due to my grades and academic background. Once I leave, then what will happen to Nola?"

"She'll just go with you."

"'I'd rather she not. I spent my entire childhood and teenage years having to take her to the bathroom whenever she need. It ends in my adulthood, but it should've ended a long time ago. She needs help, you need to send her to a psychiatrist. It's embarrassing for both of us at this age, imagine if I still have to take her when she's a fully grown adult!"

These are the things I've been telling them over and over again and nothings seems to work. But this time, I'm putting my foot down. I'm not backing off. I'm going to convince them- no, MAKE them seek help.

"I don't see why you can't, Elon."

"You don't see the potential problems that can arise from requiring someone to be right in front of you while you relieve yourself?"

"No. I'm sure it's normal."

"No, it isn't. This is affecting her social life as well. She's too embarrassed to make friends with anyone and her chances of getting a boyfriend are practically nonexistence."

"Wait a minute... could this whole diatribe have been a way for you to ask her out? Oh honey, you just need to ask! You don't have to be embarrassed."

"Mrs. Uro, are you even listening to me?"

"Oh, Elon. There's no need to be so cryptic. Just ask her out, I'm sure she'll be thrilled to learn that you are interested in her."

"You're not listening at all!"

"Oh, my phone is vibrating. I have to go now. Bye."

And she pushes me out and closes the door. I swore I heard her giggle a bit.

ARGH! I can't believe it! My pleas go nowhere. It doesn't matter how much I tell them, they won't listen to me at all!

WHY!? Oh Lord in Heaven, WHY!? Why is this my faith? Well, it doesn't matter. I put my foot down. I put my foot all the way down! I'm not going to the bathroom with her anymore.

That was...

...until later that night...

It's 9pm. There's the knocking on the door. Just like clockwork.

"Son, Nola's here," and I go up to the door.

"Elon," Nola says with a big smile on her face. A very awkward smile, even she knows this is weird. She gestures with her hand for me to come with her.

"No, Nola. No more."


"I'm done with this. I can't go with you to the bathroom anymore. It has gone enough."

"Oh, Elon. Stop joking around."

"I'm not joking. I'm putting my foot down."

"But... I can't go without you."

"I think you can, you just need to work it out. I'm sorry, but you're going to have to learn how to go to the bathroom without me."

"No, I can't. Please, Elon. I can only hold it for so long."

"Then go, already. If you still need to use mine, go ahead, but I'm not going in."

"Please, Elon, just one more time."

"It's always the last time with you. Well, this time, it's for real. I'm putting my foot down."

My mom heard all this and she joins the conversation, "Elon, what is the matter? Why aren't following Nola to the bathroom?"

"I told you mom and I told Mrs. Uro that I'm not going to the bathroom with her anymore."

"How can you say such a thing? Look at the poor thing. She's dancing."

Dancing, the cute term they use when Nola hops in place, with her legs bending inward, and her hips sunk in. I swear, I've seen her in this pose too many times to count.

"Mom, I made myself clear. I can't take her to the bathroom anymore."

"Elon, don't be so inconsiderate. It's only for a moment."

"No it isn't. It's been going on all my life. It's finally time to stop and get her-"

Nola suddenly pulls my arm. She is now dragging me!

"Nola, what are you doing?"

She doesn't say anything. She's just pulling me towards her bathroom.

"Nola, stop it! I'm not going with you!"

It's no use. She barges into her apartment and, of course, is trying to push me into her bathroom. But no, I put my foot down on this! I hold on to the sides of the doorway. I refuse to continue this charade. I will not enter this bathroom! I don't care if you pee or poop on your pants, I'm not doing this anymore!

And then...


The little brat! She poke my butt with her index finger! Really!?

But it worked. By reflex, I let go of the doorway and was pushed forward. She pushes me hard that I nearly trip into the shower, but no way I'm doing this. She's already lifting the toilet seat and is about to pull down her underwear. Forget this, I'm out of here!


What the?

The door knob won't turn.




THE KNOB IS REVERSED! I need a key to open the door! The very key she is holding in her hand... while sitting on the toilet! NO! I don't even have my earphones and phone with me!

I put my foot down... only to end up putting it in my mouth.

Next chapter