
Red Boot Inn Part 2

The Red Boot Inn

The Sun peaked through the gray clouds. A still quiet filled the air. Even with the Sun peeking through, there was still a chill in the air. The barmaid was vigorously wiping down the bar and stools. Although Red Boots Inn was a small establishment, the barmaid still took pride in it. 

She prided herself on keeping a clean Inn and fair prices. Last night was nothing unusual. The same patrons frequented and had their share of wine women and song. Lady Mael was glad she no longer had to be a part of the women's side. She was content in running the bar and counting the money. 

She had hired help. A young red-headed girl by the name of Destiny. Destiny rarely spoke or complained. She was honest and would always let her know when her patrons were trying to cheat her out of what was owed to her. She had seen Destiny go up to tend to the wealthy stranger covered in blood, but she did not see her return. 

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