
Beleth & Tartarus

"I can show you the way out of here. Isn't that what you want? That's what everyone wants." The voice said.

"How do I know this isn't a trick?" Beleth asked. It all felt too good to be true. 

"You don't." The voice chuckled. "So take the chance." 

B leaned his head back on the wall. He had wanted to escape. He thought it would be much harder than this. What if it was a trap? He wondered. What was the worst they could do to him? 

He was already being tortured with these holograms of his love and the life they almost shared. He had nothing to lose. He had already lost everything. 

After a few quiet minutes of contemplation, Beleth spoke, "Alright. Tell me." 

The voice said nothing. 

Had B been hallucinating? 

"Hello! Hello!" B yelled in a panic.

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