

Beatrice awoke in a different part of Castle Fenway. It took some time for her eyes to adjust. When they did, she realized she was in the infirmary. It was quiet. She could hear nothing except for the slow leak of a faucet nearby. 

"Your Majesty, You are finally awake." the royal Physician greeted her with a smile. 

She tried to sit up. Pain shot through her abdomen, and she instantly felt dizzy. She quickly laid back down.


"Easy there, Your Majesty. You have been fighting a nasty infection. I will have one of the nurses notify Clancy that you are awake." He told her.

He was on his way out of the room when she spoke to him, "Where is my son?" She asked him. 

The Physician had a sullen look on his face. "He did not survive, Your Majesty. Clancy told me of the emergency birth you endured and how the child did not survive. The midwife buried him in your family's cemetery." He explained. 

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