

"Not this again! I told you to leave Her Majesty alone!" Clancy fussed at Beleth.

She could tell he was the cause of all of her Mistress's problems. Why couldn't she?

"Clancy, I am fine. Please, B. You must put me down." Beatrice instructed them both. 

"No! Your Majesty! You ain't fine. Your leg is bleeding and you look like you have been dragged through the dirt. Put her on the bed now, B!" She barked at him. He did as she asked. 

In any other circumstance, he would have been upset with her talking to him in such a disrespectful manner. He knew Clancy loved Beatrice. He had put her in harm's way once more. He thanked his brother she was alive this time, and Clancy was here to help. He wanted to heal her but knew that would deplete his powers completely. 

His brother and Lilith had been specific in telling him to get the job done quickly. Something was wrong. He gently placed her down on the bed. 

"You have to leave," Clancy told him. 

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