
The Stranger

They were now rulers of a great and prospering nation that one day her child would inherit and rule over. She smiled at the sentimental thought and placed her hand on her slightly protruding abdomen. She hadn't been expecting to be with a child. everyone seemed to believe that it was a miracle...or a curse.

She had cursed the Higher Power for taking away her mother, and father and in a way her little sister as well, but feeling her unborn child growing inside of her womb made her want to pray to Him and ask for protection for her unborn child. Would He hear her? And if He did, would He listen? Beatrice has turned her back on Him at a time when most would have sought His protection and guidance through prayer. 

Not Beatrice. She had immediately thought about the black book. Looking back on it, she wondered how she had become so fascinated by that book. Who had told her about it first? She wondered. 

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