
Hellish Betrayal

Angel took the lead and straddled him as she kissed him deeply. He felt his arousal stir then, as her sweet-tasting tongue delved into his mouth. The kiss felt ...familiar. He had never had a woman kiss him like that until he had kissed Lilith. He opened his eyes. Angel broke the kiss. 

Except it wasn't Angel who straddled him now. It was Lilith.

Procter's eyes bulged. Was he hallucinating? He tightly closed his eyes shut. 

He said a quick prayer, "Please, Lord, let this be my mind playing tricks on me." He slowly opened his eyes.

Lilith was still straddling him.

"Boo." She said with a sexy smirk on her blood-red lips. She had a mischievous glint in her eyes. 

Procter was not amused with her antics. He grabbed both sides of her hips and tried to move her off of him. She was like a stone statue she did not move. Procter was shocked at that realization. He could barely feel her weight on him now. Yes, she was a supernatural demon for sure. 

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