

Clancy pulled back the thick covers and turned down Beatrice's bed covers. The attempt on her Mistress's life did not help with her mistress's melancholy disposition. It only seemed to contribute. She also didn't seem to be taking to her pregnancy well, either Clancy noticed. The maid was worried about Beatrice's emotional well-being.

Having known the young monarch since birth, Clancy had never seen Beatrice so down. She watched as her mistress and Queen passed over the threshold of her private bathing chambers into her bedroom. She had taken a nice long soak in a heated lavender bath. It had effectively helped calm her nerves, but it did nothing for her fear and the echo of what felt like perpetual loneliness.

She knew she should not feel this way. She was a 'Happily married' woman. The attempt on her life had been foiled. She should be rejoicing at her husband's courage and valor. He was the one who killed the assassin. 

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