
Are you alright?

Complicated was something Beatrice could handle, but she didn't want to. Looking back at the last 12 hours of her life, she hadn't expected to be here. She had expected to be with him, exploring his world and learning about why he was the way he was. But it hadn't happened. She had been ripped away from the familiar chaos that was him. Her heart bled, as the cries came from her inner gut.

How could she be able to cope without those flaming blue eyes. He had pushed himself inside of her life, and made himself larger than life itself. She wanted to hate him, wanted to forget about him, but their burning, soul searing kisses and his tender touch fought its way to the forefront of her mind. If she could only dial down the overwhelming feelings of emotions, she would be all right and able to execute her plan flawlessly. She needed rest. She suddenly felt physically and emotionally drained.

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