
The River of Sorrow

How Hella, his former mistress kept popping into the equation boggled him. He snapped back to the present. Hell was his domain. It was dark, but he could see perfectly well. Few hundred feet ahead, he saw the blue glow from the river of Sorrow and Princess Beatrice was standing directly in front of it.

Beatrice was overcome with extremely difficult and sad emotions. Her tears weren't able to stop. They flowed freely, and she couldn't stop the feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. She felt her willpower breaking. She took a leaded step.

Something caught her eye inside of the blue liquid. She looked closer and saw that the iridescent liquid was filled with what looked like people. Princess Beatrice knew they were souls. She was disgusted and in complete disbelief. She was unfamiliar with this river. The Bishop nevet spoke of this to her and it made her feel even more sorrowful and inadequate.

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