
Did You Kiss Him?

Beleth had ripped her night gown to shreds their first night together. She recalled his impatience and the terrifying exhilarating feeling she felt when she had seen his long elegant hands with razor sharp claws. Now, she held on to him as he ravaged her sweet delicate mouth. Gone was the feeling of terror and its place was exquisite pleasure mixed with exhilaration. He fell to the bed while still kissing her. She broke the kiss, panting.

She tried to get up, but he stilled her movements, "And where are you going?" He growled seductively in her ear.

"I-I was going to finish getting undressed." She informed him.

"No need. I want to see you ride me while wearing that delectable lace, my delicious morsel."

She blushed at his overt conversation.

"One day I will break you from your shyness."

"I'm not shy." She argued. "You say such colorfully candid things to me. No one speaks to me like that." She was sitting, straddling him.

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