
Make Amends

Clancy sat down beside Princess Beatrice. The morning was cool and the smell of hyacinth wafted in the air. Clancy could tell by the expression on her mistresses face that she was upset. The banter let her know it may not be with


"Clancy, after my meeting with Mother Superior last night, and after much deliberation on my own, I have decided it is time we consider our other options."

"Options, Your Majesty? She asked, unsure what she meant by that.

"Yes. Mother Superior will not help with my cause. She has chosen my sister's side. I think it is best that we leave as soon as possible."

"Yes, Your Majesty. That makes sense. I will pack your thing-"

Princess Beatrice interjected. "Clancy, that won't be necessary." She paused. Not sure how to deliver the news. "After speaking with His Royal Highness, we feel that it would be safer for you to stay here."

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