
Restless Night

As quickly as the Archbishop had executed the dastardly deed it was done. Although to Princess Adelaide, it felt like hours had gone by, while he heaved and shoved himself inside of her and made her body hurt and convulse when he touched her... She didn't want to think about it, but every aching muscle in her body and in between her thighs wouldn't let her forget it.

She had crumpled to the floor once he'd left. She used her green velvet dress to cover her body. She didn't know how long she had been down there when Maureen knocked and entered, followed by three men carrying a medium sized copper tub.

They placed in front of the opposite fireplace closest to the wardrobe. Maureen knelt down to see her tears and sweet covered her cheeks. She felt her wrinkled hand upon her brow.

"She gonna be all right? She don't look too good." One of the men noted.

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