
Procter's Peril

Proctor had been riding for days, with what felt like no end in sight. Because of his new status and growing unrest in the rural areas of the kingdom, he chose to take back the road instead of the main road. To his surprise, most of the people in this region did not care for Princess Beatrice, and wished her the same fate that befell her parents. It was horrible circumstances for him to travel. These people openly and willfully shunned the crown he served.

While he was riding Proctor noticed a thatch rooftop. He carefully stood up on his steed and saw the house attached to it. It was set back in the woods away from the road. He steered his gray horse in the direction of it. When he came closer he saw three beautiful women laughing and doing chores together. They resembled each other and he thought maybe they were all related.

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