
Broody Demon King

B watched the tumultuous events the delicate Princess was enduring unfold, by using Lilith's magic witches cauldron. He had made each obstacle harder and harder for her so that she would have no choice but to call upon him. It didn't seem to be working. The full moon was weeks away, and even though he had just left her sweetness, a mere 24 hours ago, he wanted more. He wanted her completely. He wanted her to want him just as bad as he wanted her.

He wanted her to need him all the time.

B knew the council would think the Prince's recovery was too soon, and as a result, they would disregard it as a 'miracle' and call it 'heresy' instead. These men were always so easy to manipulate. B felt a smirk spread across his supple lips thinking about how easy they were to manipulate. All they concerned themselves with was pleasure and power.

The council would do anything to control the Crown and the head that wore it. Over the centuries, B hadn't cared who wore it as long as they fed him the souls he needed to replenish his hellish ranks, but now, this princess, her spirit, her aura, shined bright like a star and made him do something he hadn't done since the Source threw him from the heavens. He felt when he was around her.

His reputation as the 'terrible' was probably an understatement and after careful consideration, he realized he acted harshly because it was almost like feeling. He had never truly understood why he was so unfeeling. He was sure it was tied into the Celestial DNA that coursed through his veins, and no matter how miraculous that sounded she didn't care, and her not caring about him, or the fact he owned her soul, and body and she didn't seem to care bothered him.

She was so strong willed. She had pleasantly surprised him by going to the Abbey. He thought maybe she was too young to know politics, but she had proved him wrong, and he was further impressed by her, a mere mortal navigating these vultures. He watched in anticipation.

"Haven't you been staring into that thing long enough ! What exactly are you watching? It sounds terrible." Lilith spoke from over her shoulder.

She was wearing a white satin sweetheart gown, and her hair was exactly like a vintage diva. Her lips were bright red. Her eyes were demon yellow. Her pointed ears were concealed in her soft hair. Lilith, been the one to welcome him into hell when he had first fallen and had no where to go.

He could always count on her to be a mother-lover-friend. He looked up from the cauldron then at her. She knew that serious brooding look he had on his face.

"Okay, this one's pretty serious, huh," She prodded.

He said nothing.

Lilith smiled. It had been forever since she had seen him engrossed in anything other than training and prepping the legions for their hellish crusade. She was happy he had found a distraction, even if it was female, and a human...

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