
He Pledged His Life To Me..

Beatrice was dressed similar to the attire she had worn earlier that day. She put her pink satin slippers on her hosed feet, and left her chambers headed in the direction of the infirmary. The Infirmary was a large hall with rows of beds for the injured. She had no idea it existed until after the Civil War. She had spent many days assisting with the wounded.

Now, all the beds were empty except one. Prince William laid on the elevated cot unconscious.

She observed the healer leaning over him, applying a salve into his wound. He must have felt her presence because he looked up from his task and noticed her and her maid Clancy. He waved them both over.

She quickly made her way. She looked down at Prince William.

He was undressed from the waist up. His wounds and skin had been cleaned. He was motionless, pale and looked completely different than he usually did. He was always so full of life. Here he was in a coma.

"Your Majesty is very kind of you to visit." The healer smiled at her.

She tried to smile back. She failed miserably.

"This man is very special to me and my family."

"I understand, Your Majesty. His Majesty has lost quite a lot of blood. The cut is clean, but very deep. It may take months if not years to heal."

With each word of bad news about Prince William's health Princess Beatrice felt worse and worse. He would never forgive her if he found out she was behind this. She was back to the question, could she marry him? Stay married to him ? She placed her hand on his sweaty brow. He didn't stir.

They heard footsteps. Clancy looked up first, then Princess Beatrice. It was the bishop. Princess Beatrice automatically assumed he was there for Prince William. She walked away from his unconscious body and met the bishop halfway across the room. Clancy stayed by Prince William's side. The Bishop's face did not hold the same warmth and kindness it had a few days ago.

"Your Majesty, the Council sent me directly to find you. Why are you here at the healers? Are you hurt?"

Princess Beatrice didn't think someone could be so ignorant, but alas, here he stood.

"Bishop Nevermore, I am here to see to Prince William. As you are well aware, he has no one."

"I am well aware I was not made aware that he was alive. I thought that unholy beast killed him."

Unholy indeed she thought, but said instead, "No he is still alive. Still fighting for his life."

"Your Majesty, you must leave this Infirmary at once. He is not long from this world and when Prince William passes we will have to find another suitor for you."

She looked at him with new eyes. She was shocked that he spoke those words. Prince William had pledged his fealty to her, and now the Bishop was acting like he wasn't a hero. Bishop Nevermore seemed different, yet the same. Power changed people, she told herself.

Arch Bishop Joegoe and the remaining clergy wanted full control over her. She shook it off. Her primary concern was seeing that Prince William survived, because if he didn't she would end up in a loveless marriage. She took a deep calming breath before speaking. She had always remained calm on the outside, even when she was boiling on the inside, and trust, at this very moment she was like a hot tea kettle.

"Bishop Nevermore, you out of all of us know how the Lord works. This man pledged his life to me. What kind of woman, or future Queen would I be if I let my future King suffer needlessly? Please, continue to keep him in your prayers and give the Council my regards."

As if on cue thunder rumbled in the background.

The Bishop looked perturbed. He looked like he wanted to say something but didn't. He just walked away and exited the infirmary. Princess Beatrice felt tears of anger and frustration welling up inside of her. She wanted to scream.

She didn't.

She turned back around and went back to Prince William's side. She searched the room. When she found a wooden stool she carried it over and set it beside the bed.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?" Clancy asked, having overheard the entire conversation.

"What does it look like? I am sitting with Prince William."

"But Your Majesty, the Council-"

"Clancy! Please ! Leave me! I wish to be alone."

Another rumble of thunder sounded overhead highlighting her words and making them more dramatic.

There was a long pause of silence then she heard Clancy speak once more before exiting the hall.

" Yes, Your Majesty..."

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