
The Deal

The further they traversed into the heart of the castle, the quieter it became. The low strumming noise comforted her with every step she took down the unused stone stairwell. It was steep. She made sure to keep her eyes down and forward. Her fear of heights would not let her look down the side. She could hear Proctor close behind. 

"Are you all right, Your Majesty?" Proctor asked, concern laced his voice.

"I... I'm not sure how to answer that." She stopped, halting him in his tracks. "You don't have to go through this with me. You were my father's most trusted Valet. He is gone. If you wish to go your own way, I will do nothing to stand in your way. For you have always been kind."

Proctor smiled at her warm-hearted compliment. 

"It is easy to be kind. I made a vow not only to serve your father but his family. I think it is only right that I continue my service with you."

She smiled through her unshed tears at his kind words. 

"All right then." They continued the descent into the dark belly of the castle.

When they reached the bottom, Beatrice leaned against the cold stone wall. She was exhausted.

"Drink, Your Majesty." Proctor offered her an animal skin filled with water. 

She took it and drank the water. It was cool on her tongue. When she had her fill, she gave Proctor back the water bag, leaned forward, and looked around the musty, dimly lit cavern. The castle was built atop eight large stone pillars. Beatrice had never ventured this far into the Castle.

She could see why her parents forbade it when she was a child. It would have surely given her nightmares.

She dusted off her white, satin petticoats, and walked to the center of the dark cavern. Her legs were still weak. She held on to the book with both of her trembling hands. She sat down. As she did, she folded the fabric of her dress gently underneath her legs. Proctor was diligently lighting the torches in the gold sconces surrounding her. 

She looked down at the book she was cradling. The black book had a large, sinister face on the cover. With her left index finger, Beatrice traced her hand along with the Dark image. It will cause more harm than good. Those words echoed through her mind. She felt a prick of pain.

It almost felt like a small jolt of electricity shot through her body. Beatrice quickly removed her hand from the book and watched the black leather transform into skin. The face she had been tracing came to life before her very eyes. She screamed at the horror, and dropped the book, quickly crawling away until her back was once more pressed up against one of the castle's foundations pillars.

It did not stop. The mouth on the front cover had an eerie orange light shooting out of it. Wind, where there was none, began to blow and loosen Beatrice's tightly curled tendrils. She raised her forearm to her face to protect her eyes from the strong gusts.

She could hear her Proctor, "Your Majesty!" 

He was terrified, as was she.

What had she done? What had she unleashed? The ground trembled beneath her feet. The wind had stopped. She was able to see it, the being who seemed to form himself out of the eerie light. It was muscular, extremely tall, animal-like, formidable. A silver crown sat atop his head.

His blue eyes seemed to be dancing with flames. He wore nothing but a thin gold crown and a chain-link loincloth. Beatrice did not like how she was reacting to him or the fact he was so devilishly handsome.

"Human! You have disturbed me!" He roared.

His long sinewy legs ate up the concrete.

His gaze was so penetrating. Beatrice wanted to close her eyes, but if she did, she would miss all of this. 

He towered over her.

She was shaking. The way he had just roared at her, she thought he was going to do something to her. Instead, he extended his hand to her.

She was cautious in accepting it. A few seconds later, she let the demon hold her hand. He assisted her in getting up from the cold, stone floor.

"I... I summoned you."

He looked her up and down and then chuckled.

"You summoned me? Why?"

"My family is gone, and I am losing my kingdom. I wish to make a deal with you, demon."

"Ah, yes, the deal, and what, pray tell, could you have that would entice me to strike up a bargain with you?"

The demon was right. Princess had no gold, it had all been stolen. She had no kingdom or family left. That was being taken as we speak. She had nothing to barter with. Nothing except the one precious thing she had left, her soul.

"I-I would offer my soul."

"No! Your Majes-" Proctor didn't get to finish his protest because he was flung hard against a pillar by an invisible force.

He collapsed and crumbled like a rag doll.

Beatrice felt frozen by her fear. She had to do something, but what? She stood there silent. His flaming eyes turned back to her. Her mouth suddenly felt dry.

"You offer me your soul?"

"Yes. I would like my life back. You can do that."

"I cannot bring your parents back." He told her.

"Oh, I-I understand." She was forlorn.

She would never get to see them again. The Cavern walls trembled. Loose rubble lightly showered them.

"We don't have much time, demon."

He listened to the commotion going on upstairs.

"Kiss me then."

Her eyes bugged at his demand.

"To seal the deal." He explained.

Beatrice had never kissed anyone before, not even her own family members. Affection was for commoners, her parents would always say.

"Kiss me." He commanded once more.

She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him, trying to leave a decent amount of space between their bodies. The demon pulled her body up against the length of his own and slanted his lips atop hers. The kiss was powerful, hot, and wet. Beatrice felt her mind going foggy. His tongue gently coaxed hers, and he tasted like bourbon to her.

He broke the kiss. Instantly, Beatrice was ashamed of the way she was clinging to his naked muscular flesh. She got off of her tiptoes and took a step back. The loud sounds that were coming from above had ceased.

"Is it done?" She asked him.

He looked at her with a smirk on his abnormally handsome face.

"For now, yes. Go back to your Palace. I will call upon you on the next full moon, and when I do, I expect repayment." His words echoed throughout the cave.

She looked down at the floor. She was terrified of the demon.

"I promise you, demon. I will endeavor to do whatever task you assign me."

"I am no ordinary demon, mortal. I am Beleth, the terrible. King of Hell." Beatrice's eyes widened at his name.

The priest had been right. She should have never opened that d*mned book.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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