
Chapter 21

He listened. His lips strewn in a tight frown, his eyes radiating sympathy. He listened just as he did all those years ago. He hasn't changed much at all.

I recounted my experiences since we last saw each other seventy years ago, told him about the war, how I kept jumping from one disaster to another. How I tried to escape with several others only to be the last one standing because my power saved me at the last moment. I told him of my time in the bunkers, the shelthers, all the relief efforts I went through until they were blown to oblivion by some mortar or another.

And then I told him about how I jumped out of the chaos and into a fear clouded city, Xoxia. I spoke of Vern in great length, it was in these moments he relaxed, he smile and laughed as he shared in the fond memories. 

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