
Waking Up

{This story is a P-a-t-r-e-o-n exclusive. The link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word. I also have a basketball system story on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n if you wish to check it out.}

{The story on P-a-t-r-e-o-n is at 185 chapters.}

{Book 1 has been completed.}

~~~(POV: Scott Autumn)~~~

My eyes are heavy and hard to open, and I struggle to wake up. I lean up, and I peel my eyes open. I'm in a room. Its designs are something you'd think alien if you're an earthling that hasn't experienced The Aeternus Universe. It's all familiar to me...

I don't know why. I'm on a table, not one for dissection or study, but one to rest on. I stand up and head over to the single console. I start to run diagnostics and see where I'm at. I have full access to everything. I look through the system, and I memorize everything my eyes fall on.

All the information I've just memorized is about the site and its purpose. It's a defensive line, capable of destroying almost anything.

The exception being stars and black holes. It's capable of ending entire worlds... "What is going on..." As I speak, the entire room shifts, and a door begins to fold away like something out of a movie. It opens into a command center, one that hasn't been disturbed for a long time.

Millions of years... I watch as dust floats around the room and the same type of machine that captured me is all over.

They seem to be maintenance and defense sentinels. There are so many of them. One of them comes up to me and starts beeping, and scans me.

The scan ends, and the machine goes back to its business. I wasn't expecting the site to be completely active before I arrived. There are some possibilities, and the most likely is the site knew I was coming.

I walk up to one of the larger consoles, and I see that it's attached to a foreign security system. One implemented by Teller-Bravo. I search through the camera feeds, and I see scientists in another room.

It's the room the cameras are originally connected to. I move the camera and I zoom in on one of the creatures. He looks to be a Telimorat.

They're notorious for being heavily militaristic. I turn the sound on in the room. "Find out why all our local forces have been destroyed, Egghead! I also want a beacon sent out telling Teller-Bravo to stay away until we isolate and find out how to disable the weapons that annihilated our fleet!" His voice is deep and demanding. The scientists start scrambling and following his orders.

I access the site's weapons system, and I have access to everything. I look at a log of when the weapons were last fired, and they were discharged just before Durado, and I arrived. I look at the log before that, but the information is corrupted.

Not by anything in the system, not from old age either. Signs show that someone or something intentionally corrupted these files. I sigh and start going through the camera system.

The amount of devastation is not something you'd see Teller-Bravo go through. Nothing that has offensive capabilities is left in one piece.

Any persons without weapons have been spared. That means the security here knows how to distinguish between a threat and no threat.

One of the floating sentinels is at my side, and it downloads something into the console and opens it for me. It's a recording. "This recording goes out to the very last of The Primordium, my people." The language is alien-sounding, but I can understand it in English.

This is another Primordium. He looks like a human, just like me. The sentinels must know I'm the last of my kind.

The entire site must know. The message continues playing. "There is a great responsibility that you must bear. One that I can't tell you in this recording. All I can tell you is our homeworld will give you all the answers you need. Be warned. There isn't much time. The tasks ahead of you are dangerous and deadly. But we all have faith in you, Scott, for you're the last of our kind. You are Primordium." My blood runs cold...

How does a recording from several million years ago in The Aeternus Universe know who I am?

I stop the recording and think. This is all tied to my quest to get to my homeworld. I have no clue what he could possibly be talking about.

I should try and find Durado. I switch to the cameras that are at the landing pads we landed on, but his ship is a steaming pile of rubble.

I look, and there is nobody, which means he got out alive. Neither of us expected this before coming here. This makes our odds better, but there are new things that I've learned.

Next chapter