
The Power of Intelligence like Mine

{This story is a P-a-t-r-e-o-n exclusive. The link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word. I also have a basketball system story on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n if you wish to check it out.}

{The story on P-a-t-r-e-o-n is at 150+ chapters.}

I watch the reporter give details on the leak I posted, and my pride is stroked as it happens. I need to be careful about that.

Pride is the deadliest of the sins. "William Rake is actually a notorious con man the government has been after for many years! His real name at this time isn't known, and all we have are a list of aliases provided on the forums where William Rake's information was leaked."

I turn off the TV with the sound of my voice, and I lean back on my couch. It was so easy to break through their security. Compared to the security in The Aeternus Universe, it's nothing.

I wonder what other secrets I can find with my hacking abilities? While hacking into GBFT Inc. is feasible. They are likely using multiple A.I.'s to keep potential hackers out. However, their personal employees aren't guarded at their home accounts and computers.

I can write an algorithm that will find valuable hacking targets in the company, and then I can hack their personal computers at their homes. I pick my laptop back up, and I start writing the algorithm. It takes me about 8 minutes to write something so complex and specific.

It would take many hours for some of the best hackers to create something like this. Once I finish the algorithm, I send emails with worms to random destinations

. The worms are undetectable. While they spread and the algorithm finds what I'm looking for, all I have to do is wait for it to spread through the internet and tell me when it's found what I'm looking for.

It won't take that long. In the meantime, I should actually sleep in my bed for a change. I stand up and head to my bedroom. I walk in and head for the bed. I land softly in it and release a sigh.

It's dark in my room, so I couldn't see that someone was already in my bed. I feel a hand reach across and land on my chest.

I turn my head and see one eye open looking at me. "Jess... What are you doing in my bed..." She doesn't respond, and she scoots closer and wraps her body around mine.

I see that she isn't going to respond. However, she also isn't trying anything, as we agree. So if she wants to cuddle, I'm okay with that. It's not like I'm railing her. We're degenerates. Incestuous degenerates, but she loves me, and I love her.

~~~(POV: Durado)~~~

I punch the swollen face of Ziller as he still refuses to talk to me. His constant silence and lack of information make me mad, and I'm thinking it's time I start using more drastic measures. "You'll have to kill me, Durado... I'm not saying shit to you..." His arrogance and illusion of control will break, in time.

I stand up and walk over towards my toolbox. He's tied to a chair right now and can't move. So what should I use first? Perhaps I can start with fingers. People hate it when they lose fingers. I walk back over to him with dull clippers.

The dull clippers will make it hurt more and prolong the suffering of his situation. I bring the clipper up to his left pinkie, and I struggle to get through it.

He curses and cusses over and over. After a minute of grinding the dull blades through his skin and bones, his pinkie falls off. "You ready to talk now!?" I have to raise my voice to get over his cussing and screaming.

He stops and bites his lips shut. "Have it your way then. Whoever you're protecting must be worth the pain." I see a flicker of doubt when I say those words. Excellent, he can be broken.

I drop the clippers to the side, and I walk over to a cabinet. The next thing I pull out is Hydrofluoric Acid. Let's see how he feels about having some poured on his hands and feet.

I'm not going to fill a tub and place said appendages in. He'll struggle and fling this dangerous shit around. Pouring it on him is safer for me. "What are you doing?!" I turn around, and I smile.

I turn the plastic container so he can see the name, and I see his face drop. I will break you, Ziller Maxx. Nothing in the entirety of the universe will stop this from happening.

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