
Chapter 178 - The red lotus bloom

Liwei walked back into the house, gritting his teeth loudly. Even now he noticed Fan Xui sticking to that young man as they walked away.

"This has to end.... but how.... I don't have any ability...." he caressed his pink cheeks.

The reaction he got from Fan Xui was unexpected. But it was okay for now.

This act was to sow a seed of doubt in Fan Xui's mind about that girly man.

"Fuck it hurts though..." he glanced at his reflection on a bowl with a glare. "I hate it.... I hate it so much!" he let out his hands by tearing all the tapes he had placed on the counter.

By chance, Liwei noticed the take-out boxes on the counter.

"Most likely will be moldy bread. I have more stock than anyone..." he whispered, removing the three boxes inside.

One had picked kimchi, the next one had steamed rice that was a well season with furikake, the last one....

It had chicken!

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