
Chapter 162 - The bigger liar

Yue removed his coat, rolled it up into a cylinder and placed it under Qian's head.

Qian Wen's eyes were tightly closed. The black circles under his eyes were so dark that he looked like a tired panda. His hair was sticky, obviously from not being washed for so many days.

"I don't think he slept much,"

"That's how he is. When he is immersed in work, he forgets everything. But this time.... I think he is riddled with guilt." Fan Xui took the hazmat from nearby and placed t over his body. At least that could keep him comfortable.

"His friend died because of the darn meteor. There is no need for him to be guilty," Hary whispered, tossing the ID card over to Fan.

Fan Xui did not reply. rather he glanced at the zombie who was growling at them with a passion. 

The young assistant was only twenty years old. Younger than him by five years. It was sad that such a bright young man passed away.

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