
A guardian who cannot be defeated (Part 3)

"This is Sky Destroyer. Requesting permission to take off."

"This is Control. The entire area has been completely cleared. Sky Destroyer, you have the green light for takeoff."

"All green for takeoff. All functions check out."

"External teleport magic circles deactivated."

"Disengaging all support equipment."

"Cornerstone power commencing. Main engine on."

"All engines are on."

"Output gate open."

"External pressure level has increased."

"Turbines have been activated."

Lin Shaoyan, leader of the Sky Destroyer's control and maintenance team turned to face the throne-like seat in the center of the spacious room and said in a respectful voice, "Leader, we can take off at any moment."

Bai Zemin opened his eyes and said calmly, "Take off."

"Take off."

"Taking off!"


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