
A King & A Dynasty

The thoughts in the minds of each person present were varied but at the same time similar. Weird, but if one were to put oneself in the shoes of these people, one would realize that it was extremely understandable.

It was true. There was no doubt that a new social system was urgently needed. If they did not handle this matter correctly in the initial stages, when it was still early and the faction was still a little baby in its first steps, then it would be extremely difficult to solve the problems later when everything was developed and on track.

In a sense it was similar to a tree; if it was not straightened when it was still in the development and growth stage, straightening it when its trunk was already firm would be practically impossible.

The problem was that everyone here had their own selfish thoughts. This was natural, after all, every human being and every mind was a completely different infinite world.

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