

When Xu Jiaqi woke up for the second time, Tang Yizhou really had left for good. He made sure to leave a sticky note written by hand on the coffee table.

The note conveyed his reason for leaving, that was to attend to some company affairs. However, he also added on the fact that he would come back here right after he was done with everything, and told Xu Jiaqi to please stay there if she wished to do so.

Xu Jiaqi sat down after fetching herself a glass of water from the kitchen, contemplating the choices offered to her. Should she just stay with Tang Yizhou, since she planned to begin using him to the fullest now that she had turned into an adult.

She wanted to hurry and give the Zhao family a little surprise. Was she prepared? Extremely.

It should be said that she had worked extremely hard to come up to where she was right now. Compared to what she initially thought, streaming was harsher and took a heavier toll on her mind.

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