

A sigh echoed threw the empty room of the hotel.

"Where the fuck is everybody?" Husker mumbled under his breath. It had been hours since he'd seen anyone. He knew Charlie and Vaggie were doing paper work, Alaster was helping, and Nifty was cleaning shit in the dining room. But then, where was Angel? A weird and faint feeling slowly grew in his stomach. 'All ask the pipsqueak if she's seen him.'

Husker walked into the dining room to find the little cleaner. she had balanced herself on some books and was currently trying to get a spider web from the wall.

"Hey Pipsqueak!" Husker called out.

"Hm? Oh, hey Husky." Nifty jumped down and looked up at the cat. "What's up?"

"Have you seen Angel anywhere? I haven't heard or seen him all day." Husker scratched the back of his neck as his eyes slowly tilted to the right.

"Aw~" Nifty giggled. "Are you worried about Angel Husky~?" Husker flinched when she giggled again and he growled.

"Like hell I'd worry about legs! I'm just bored and wanted to know, that's not a crime." Nifty giggled again and climbed back up her books.

"I'm pretty sure that he's in his room, no clue what he's doing though. Maybe you should go check on your little spider~" Nifty teased.

"Oh shut the fuck up Nifty. Like I said, I don't care." Husker clicked his tongue and walked away. whither he knew it or not, Husker walked in the direction of the rooms.

'He so DOES care' Nifty thought with another giggle.

*In Angel's room*

"I don't know fat nugs, I think I'm losin it." Angel looked at his companion with a gloomy look.

"It's almost like Val is askin more and more of me each day. It's getting fuckin ridiculous." Angel pulled his legs to his chest as he stared at the reflection from his mirror. He swore he saw himself from last night in the mirror, it was so disgusting.

Angel flinched when he heard a knock on his door.

"Hey legs. You in there?" Angel smiled a little when he heard Huskers voice from outside his door.

'I should have fun' Angel though with a chuckle. He walked to the door and opened it. Immediately he leaned on the door fram, a lewd smile quickly growing on his face.

"You called Husky baby~?" Husker rolled his eyes, the feeling in his stomach quickly vanishing.

"Ugh. Yes, I did. Everyone is doin shit and I'm bored, so I came to see what you were doin." Husker crossed his arms as he looked at the smiling spider.

"Nothin much, just hangin out with fat nuggets. Isn't that right baby~?" Angel looked over as he talked to the pig, earning an oink and a cute tail wag.

"Wow, your so exciting." Husker sighed.

"Well." Angel leaned off the wall and his lewd face was replaced with a small smile. This Angel sent a chill down Huskers spine and a new feeling slightly grew in his chest.

"I was gonna take him for a walk. Wanna come along? I normally get a shake on the way back." Angel looked at Husk with a genuine smile, causing the feeling in Husker's chest to grow a little.

"Fine, I'll tag along. Only cuz I have nothin else to do." Husker turned his head away, the feeling getting buried so he couldn't feel it.

"I'll meet you downstairs in five minutes Husky~!" Angel chirped as he closed the door. Husker walked back to the main hall. He slowly felt his face heat a bit as images flashed threw his mind. Images of him and Angel sharing a shake, walking the pig while holding hands, cuddling in the park.

'WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?!' Husker shook his head as he felt his cheek burn red. 'What's up with me today?' Husker zoned out, just to be snapped back to reality when he felt someone on his tail. He looked down and saw nugget snuggling his tail.

"No no nuggets." Angel pulled him back with his leash. "All set, ready?" Angel smile, sending another chill to Husker.

"Sure, let's just go before I change my mind legs." Husker looked back at Angel for a moment, and just for a second, Angel's appearance faded to something else that Husker couldn't make out.

"Husky? you good?" Angel said, a little worried.

"Yea, I'm good." Husker looked away and held the door for Angel, confused about what he just saw.

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