
Chapter 291 – Trust

Mana frowned at Dawe. "When did you take Raven's blood?" she demanded.

Dawe hiccoughed pitifully, his dark eyes red-rimmed and glistening with tears. "It was before Big Brother Raven came to the Emerald Kingdom," he murmured. "Just before, actually. Mother had whipped Big Brother Raven and he was bleeding and Daddy had told me to collect blood from him so I sneaked into the dungeon where Big Brother Raven was locked up and I took some blood when he was unconscious…"

Mana's eyes flashed angrily and a greenish haze began to rise around her.

General Aquila looked utterly horrified. "Exactly how badly have you been treating little Raven, Pica?" he asked in a cold voice.

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