
Reactions and The Eastern Alliance 

Kingslanding and The Eastern Alliance

Year 277.

One month after conquering the wolf bay

Westeros Red Keep small council chamber

Third Point of View

In the chamber of the small council the lords were sitting around waiting for the king the last couple of Month the small council saw more of the king than his entire reign. After the conquest of Volantis, the king became more paranoid not believing at first but after Varys and his kingsguard confirmed the Rumors he went into tiring rage he started burning more servants he even wanted to wage war on Dorne. It took the effort of all of the small council to convince him to not start a war. After that he raged and muttered about traitors and burning them. As the king entered with the prince in tow the lords stood up and bowed. The hand of the king Lord Tywin Lannister, grand Maester Pycelle, master of coin Qarlton Chelsted, master of Whispers Varys and lord commander of the king's guard Gerold Hightower and also, they were the master coins, laws and ships.

The king sat down "What news of Essos did the Daughter of Valyria slaughter those idiotic Rhoynar, tell me Varys of the battle and don't leave any small detail out or I shall burn you." The king said with a wicked gleam in his eyes of the thought of burning the eunuch. Varys stood with a feminine smile to hide his fear and started relaying the battle in detail when he told him of the Company of the Rose betrayal and the taking of the city. The king lost the wicked gleam in his eyes and his face turned red with anger "Burn them Burn them traitors everywhere. Aegon the Conqueror should've burned the Northerners I want them watched and the Dornish to send letters to kingdom of Sarnor tell them we will support them and contact the eastern alliance they want to kill me the blood of the dragon I shall burn them ALL!!! "The prince then said "My king, father we can't support the eastern alliance or kingdom of Sarnor they are too far away and don't forget the prince has a dragon and we the blood of the dragon knows its power more than any other maybe we should find dragon eggs they will hatch now with the return of the dragons. The north and dorne are loyal they won't betray us for people they haven't met in a long time." The king looked at the prince with suspicion and saw that Lord Tywin and the other agreed with him he stood up and exited while thinking 'Traitor's usurpers they think Tywin the true ruler, Rhaegar is plotting against me traitors they shall burn.'

With Tywin Lannister after the meeting

'The Rhoynar are getting stronger. I need to find a way to tie them to my family with them the Lannister legacy will be assured maybe I will betroth Cersei to the prince.

In the north

The news of the battle and of Wolfs bay and its lord Theon of house Zolka who used to be a stark reached the whole north. Many didn't pay attention to the new but the starks did.

Rickard stark pov

After listening to my Maester with Brandon and Lyanna regarding the battle in Essos and the rise of house Zolka. I couldn't help but be nervous and excited at the same time nervous of the house Zolka they were starks, will they ever come and try to claim Winterfell will the lords support them? A hundred scenarios went through my head I remember refusing them permission to recruit in the north but it was on the king's order. At the same time, I couldn't help but be excited and happy for my distant relatives. And hopeful for trade agreement as they Rule Myr which is famous for glass that can be used to make more glass gardens. He heard of the king's reaction so to be safe he called the Maester and told him to ask for a loan from the Ironbank to rebuild Moat cailin. And also, to send letters to the Mandarlies and Mormonts and Glovers to build ship to protect their coast line.

The Reach, Vale and Riverland didn't care for an empire far away but they started to recruit more guards and strengthen their defenses in case of a war.

The iron islanders were mad for a Essosi empire will retaliate to their raiding they could fight a city but an empire with a dragon lord Prince they would crush them. The lord really wishes that none of his bannermen was this stupid.

In Dorne

Water Gardens

Prince Doran sat with his wife Mellario of Norvos, his brother Prince Oberyn and sister Princess Ellia Martell they were all called here by their mother the ruling Princess Meria Martell. As she walked in with grace and powerful steps toward her children. She sat down and started telling them of the recent battles. After a while the silence was broken by Oberyn "Mother isn't this a good thing the Rhoynar are our blood we can get an alliance and maybe their water mages will help us in the desert." Meria wasn't sure of his idea "Oberyn I want you to travel to Essos and meet the king and prince take with you a hundred guard and a gift worthy of Royalty I want you to see if an alliance is possible and take Arthur Dayne the new sword of the morning and try to convince him not to join the kings guard, we may need his blade if the king thinks us traitors. But your side mission sees if they can teach you water magic of the Rhoynar or if they are agreeable to sending some for us to help." Oberyn nooded and stood "I will Mother I won't disappoint you" he got up and started making plans.

Meanwhile in Essos

The armies of the Eastern Alliance of Meereen and Yunkai were waiting in front of Meereen for the Astapor army. So, they can march and destroy these upstarts the Rhoynar. As the army of Astapor came through they numbered around 50,000 guards and 60,000 unsullied for the first time in decades the whole unsullied were together even the reserves that are usually kept to protect Astapor from enemies and double crossing. As the leader of Astapor came through on a golden throne carried by slaves. He went down and greeted the other lords. They sat down and discussed strategy scorpions were built to kill the dragons' slaves were trained after punishing them. They had to torture a couple of slaves publicly to insure there wasn't any revolt. As they partied all night and discussed how they will divide Essos between them after conquest. They retired at the end of the night with their guards.

Chapter End

A short chapter just a reaction the battle will be tomorrow so stay tuned

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