
Akame 3

Taken aback by the sudden hug Akame didn't know what to do.

Wrapping her arms around the smaller girl she pushed the sharp thing out of Hana's hand and hugged her back.

The hug lasted for several minutes during which time Akame could think about Hana's words.

They seemed so alien to her since both her parents were both heroes.

Her words made sense though, it was true that a lot of people suffered in this world but she had always thought that becoming a hero could change something but hering the story Seijun had just told her moved something in Akame's heart..

Looking down Akame examined Seijun, she was quite beautiful even with the mask covering half her face.

Her long silky black hair and pitch black eyes.

But what she couldn't see was the small smile that appeared on Hana's face.

Sitting up she wiped the tears off her face, "But whatever, that was just one case in a million just across our country.

The system we have now with the heroes is flawed.

Yes the villains might go to prison but think of repercussions, the deaths that occurred before the heroes arrived, the family members of that villain, who might also turn to villainy to spite the law.

That is what I'm trying to change, do with that information as you wish."

Of course Hana knew that Akame would accept, her earlier speech had moved the girl and that coupled with her drive to save people would push her to side with Hana..

Closing her eyes Akame took a deep breath and reopened them.

"I want to help you." she took another deep breath, "I want to help the people of this country and create a better future for the next generation.

And if I can do that by helping you, then I will assist your cause in any way I can."

Smiling kindly Hana stroked Akame's cheek, "I would be honored to have your help, Akame-chan."

The tall girl then grinned, "Oh, are we so close that you can call me that.

Maybe I should also call you Sei-chan like the others do."

"Sure if you want to, but just so you know you really have to up your spying game my security cameras picked you up as soon as you came near my premises.", Hana said sincerely.

Nodding Akame was about to say something but was interrupted by the bell ringing.

Standing up she extended a hand reaching up Hana grabbed it letting herself be pulled up.

She thought Akame would let go but she didn't, gabing Hana's food Akame pulled her back to class.

It was this moment in time that would change the future forever.


I hope you liked the chapter.

I know it's short but I thought this would be a good place to finish.

Please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Rant: Why I don't think Sakura deserves all the hate.

Well I understand it partly because she's so mean to Naruto but I think calling her useless is a bit over the top.

I don't see anyHinata or Choji or Kiba useless, I know it's partly because they're not part of the main 3 characters but still.

Firstly, Sakura's a civilian. I can't say the same thing about Naruto and Sasuke, both of which have powerful ancestors.

Naruto's father was a hokage and his mother was the princess of the Uzumaki clan.

While Sasuke's parents are both Uchiha and his father is allegedly Kage or High jonin level.

Secondly, Naruto's The incarnation of Ashura, and has Kurama inside of him, while Sasuke's the incarnation of Indra and has the Sharingan.

What does Sakura have for advantages, above average chakra control, wow that's definitely on the level of a tailed beast.

Next is their teachers, while Naruto has Jiraiya, the toads of mount myoboku and Killer bee.

Sasuke has, Orochimaru and partially Obito

While Sakura has Tsunade also known as the weakest Sanin.

Like what do you expect of course she wouldn't be as powerful as them.

End of Rant

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)

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