
Chapter 13: The Plan

3rd Pov

Genesis: hn, seems I am going to need to pick up some tea for this boy.

Walking around the Room Genesis was looking around to see what Whitley has so he can get a grasp on what Whitley may be needing help with, though he may know Whitley may have issues with his family that doesn't mean he won't have any other problems he may be dealing with.

Genesis: What do you think Lobo?

Turning his head to see what Lobo thought of the situation, he could only sigh softly when he sees Lobo was still sleeping even if Whitley is using his tail as a pillow. Shaking his head Genesis had decided to explore the place he is going to be seeing for awhile, well until the Vytal festival truly starts because yeah he isn't too happy on what happens during it.

Genesis: So much chaos and pain for what reason, to kill the headmaster and try to diminish hope?

That was one thing he hated about not having all his memories, he knew that something big was going to be happening yet his mind can't tell him what is going to be happening. It honestly made him a bit mad but also a bit exciting on what would happen in the future, after all it would seem boring if he was able to know the future.

Genesis: But even if I knew the future would it still be the same?

That is why the butterfly effect is a thing, why yes if one lets say knew when was World War ll going to happen then one would try to stop it from happening right? But then one must ask themselves " What would happen after I did this?" for you had just changed the course of history off its original course meaning any future knowledge can or will be useless.

Genesis: And if we apply said Butterfly affect to me, I must ask what have I changed during this situation?

Since he wasn't apart of the original timeline at all things have changed, one thing for starts Weiss getting mad at ruby for how she acts is something that didn't happen. Another thing that didn't happen is the fact Cardin hadn't picked or used Jaune since he doesn't know of his secret, while these changes may mean little to someone for him it was quite a shocking experience.

Genesis: That is why I must train, in order to be prepared for the future that comes.

Looking towards the large window that is in Whitley's room to see that the sun was rising soon, good Genesis can use this in order to make him a nice breakfast to start the day off.

Genesis: Maybe I should make him something simple?

Nodding his head at that Genesis had decided to try and find the kitchen in order to make breakfast. It was quite easy to search for the Kitchen since walls meant nothing to him but it did still take awhile to find it since the Mansion was quite big.

Genesis: huh, seems that Jacques doesn't like any part of his house to not be showered in riches.

Looking around the kitchen it was the same as any other kitchen just it matched the color scheme of the mansion making it seem dull and emotionless. Looking through the fridge Genesis had decided to just make a simple platter consisting of eggs, sausage, and pancakes with a cup of orange Juice to wash down all the food.

Genesis: Now then here come the hard part, trying to figure out how to work this thing?

It took him awhile but Genesis was able to find out that the stove relied on a small but constant supply of aura to keep it powered so with that he started cooking. It took him an hour to fully complete the dish since he had to wait for the pans to heat up and make sure that everything was cooked to "perfection" in his opinion, once they were done cooking Genesis had decided to sprinkle a little bit of cheese onto the eggs while making sure to fill a small container with syrup so Whitley can choose.

He made sure to clean up after himself in order to not leave any trace behind, after that he started to carefully walk towards Whitley's room while making sure to avoid the eyes of the butlers or maids that work here in order to not freak them out when they see a floating bed tray table in the middle of the hallway.

Genesis: Now then all I need to do is wait for him to wake up and-

Whitley: So yesterday wasn't a dream huh?

Freezing when he heard the voice of Whitley, Genesis looked towards the bed to see Whitley staring at him with a small frown on his face.

Genesis: Yes, though I have a feeling your wanting breakfast before we begin talking?

Seeing him nod his head Genesis had allowed a tendril of water to gently grab the tray before it carried it towards Whitley who was looking at the water tendril with a look of interest. Sitting down on a chair Genesis grabbed the cup of steaming tea that was there before sipping it softly enjoying the heat it gives to him.

Whitley: Was that your semblance?

Genesis: All will be explain Whitley for now just eat your breakfast.

Now many who knew Whitley would be shocked on how he is acting but its not his fault they don't know the true him, all he does is put on a "mask" in order to not make his father mad since last time he did.... wasn't the best day for him.

Whitley: This is good!

Genesis: Thanks, I had thought my cooking skills rusted a little since I am dead.

Whitley had decided to put that information into the back of his head for later use so he could enjoy the Breakfast he was given. While this choice of food isn't something that will cause you a "Food-gasm" he hears some people talk about it is quite good that it reminds him of a parent or sibling who is just cooking food just because they can.

Genesis: Well then, I know you may have some questions your sister did when I first met her.

Whitley: Ah yes Weiss.... how is she doing by the way?

Genesis: She is doing fine, especially since she found out she is considered an adult over in Vale.

Ah.... that did put a damper in Whitley's mood hearing that his sister was out of their fathers grasp but it did also make him a bit happy. Though he is now wondering on why did a friend of Weiss decide to appear here of all places knowing what potentially happens in here?

Whitley: Speaking of questions, do you think you can tell me on why you are here?

Genesis: Well that is easy, your spirit called out for me!

Whitley: What?

Genesis: Well.... to be more specific you had called out to me by saying my name, and remember Names have power, so with you yelling out my name I heard your call and came to see what you need help with!

Whitley: This sounds to good to be true.

Genesis: Eh, whether you believe it is up to you but anyways do you have any other questions?

Whitley sat their for a second before a, in his opinion, ingenious question appeared in his mind. He wishes to see if he is able to test out this "Genesis" person's powers so he is willing to see if he could help him out with one simple wish.

Whitley: When you say you will help me, you mean it right?

Genesis: Of course.

Whitley: Then could you possibly..... fix this broken family and potentially allow me to gain control of the Company?

Now Whitley isn't a families person and nothing can change that but that doesn't mean he wouldn't want to see them potentially get along and try to end his "fathers" rein over the Schnee family. But since he doesn't have experience in fighting and only in political play then he is hoping he could gain an ally to fill in his weakness.

Genesis: hmm.... I do not see why I shouldn't, but do remember that I am not a genie so don't expect me to grant you wishes all I am is a simple helper or even a familiar figure in your life if you so wish.

Whitley just stared at Genesis pondering on what he said, it would be nice to have someone to at least call a Brother of sorts and Genesis could pass of as one even if he has red eyes. Besides Genesis has been the only one to really do this much for him besides the butlers or maids but they are paid to do it, he did it on his own free will.

Whitley: Alright then, I am willing to accept your help!

nodding his head Genesis sipped his cup of tea while thinking of what he could do, this is very exciting for him since it is different from what he usually does and even he knows for a fact he can't constantly sit on the sidelines so you can say this is his play time for now.

Genesis: Well then Whitley, first thing I will comment on how you could potentially gain control of the Company is quite simple.... cause a revolution!

Whitley: What but all that will cause is chaos and death!?

Genesis: Not one of those revolutions, one where you gain the trust and love of all who work here in order to forcefully make your father give up his position, one place to start is the workers.

Whitley: and why is that?

Genesis: Like all businesses they are the backbone of the company, lets say if you take control of one section of it and you..... raise not only their payment but also liven up their working conditions it would make them want to work harder in order to gain more money!

Whitley: Which would cause envy and jealousy to spark up in other sections forcing my father to do it unless he wishes for him to lose billions of Lein.....

This was an interesting way to try and take over the company but it would be quite hard to pull it off. One thing that puts a barrier in this plan is getting his father to agree with it in the first place, another is gaining the money to do it in the first place but the smile on Genesis face seems to reassure him he may not have to worry about it.

Genesis: Now I know you may be thinking that your father may not agree, that is a easy thing to fix. Since he is molding you to try and be a miniature him use it, make him believe you wish to gain more experience in leading the company. And for the money part.... you just let me cover that part will you?

Whitley just nodded silently while thinking over what he said, now call him insane but he is willing to try this out even if this is all just a lucid dream if he is able to do this the great go him! But if that isn't the case then he will just shrug it off and just act like the usual when he is around other people.

Genesis: Now then little brother lets get this show on the road!

Whitley: Wait why am i the little brother!

Genesis: Well..... I am taller so therefore I am older!

Whitley: That doesn't make any sense!?

Laughing at the look of irritation appearing on Whitley's face Genesis whistled making Lobo wake up from his nap before stretching in order to get ready to travel. Looking towards Whitley Genesis nodded his head before he hopped on Lobo's back before phasing through the wall leaving Whitley all by himself.

Whitley: Tch, stupid spirit and his dumb idiotic ways...

Shaking his head Whitley put the empty tray on a table before getting ready to go greet his father, on the outside he is already wearing his arrogant mask that he usually shows so no one would suspect anything unusual was going on.

Whitley: Well then lets get this show on the road.....

Stepping out of his room he could already see the people around him tensing up slightly thinking that he would lash out to them, he will have to fix that won't he? It didn't take too long to get to his fathers Work room but he was suddenly hit with a strong smell of Alcohol making him freeze slightly knowing his mother is hear.

Willow: Oh Whitley~ is that you?

Sighing softly hearing his mothers voice he turned around to see his mother drunkenly walk over to him while holding a wine glass getting a bit of Wine on the floor. Checking the time to see it wasn't even past 9 yet Whitley gently grabbed the wine glass before motioning one of the butlers to quickly take it. Once that was out of his hands Whitley had decided to focus on the task at hand.

Whitley: Ha~ what is it you want mother?

Willow: Can't a M-Mother check up on her son?

Whitley: As if you ever treated me as your son.....

Though he may have thought that in his head Whitley would never say it out loud for even if he hates his mother he also loves her since she was the one to bring him into this world so he does allow his mask to fall of when talking to her since she is usually drunk so she shouldn't remember it.

Whitley: Well Mother I am needing to talk with father to see if I could-

Willow: Why would you want to talk to that Piece of ****!

Whitley: I wish to see if I could take a section of the miners under my control to gain more-

Willow: Oh so you wish to overthrow your father, well good for you sweetie~!

Jacques: Really now?

Freezing when he heard his fathers voice, Whitley quickly put up his "mask" before pushing his Mother away to not make his father believe what his mother said. Even if what she said wasn't wrong he can't allow his father to even think of that option until it is too late.

Willow: Of course not father, though what I said about the miners if you had heard is something I do wish to do.

Looking towards his son Jacques thought of it before nodding his head of what he could do, he thought it would be best to let his son get use to the sight of those animals working so it was a good idea but in case he tries to pull something he will add a factor to it.

Jacques: Hmm, I do not see why I shouldn't allow you even if it is below us. But you are not allowed to use any money from the Schnee Dust company I had to build this company from the ground up so I expect you to do the very same.

Whitley: Yes Father.

Nodding his head, Jacques walked back to his study room quite content that his son is wishing to start early with his title unlike his siblings. He did wish to disown them but since he also needs the consent of that Drunk ***** it would be hard to do it since she is constantly drunk.

Willow: ..... well fuck~ you too!

Rolling his eyes at the comment his mother did Whitley smiled softly knowing that part one of their project is complete now all he needs to do is just wait for Genesis to get the money somehow and then they can truly start it.

Whitley: Speaking of which wonder what he is doing?

*With Genesis*

Frank: Sir I must say..... this is a masterpiece!

Genesis was sitting down at a table with a small smile on his face while he watched Frank, A publisher at a famous Television company called " Twilight's Dust" read over the script of a show called "Naruto."

Frank: But sir I do have a question..... is there a reason why you wish to use a Faunus as the main character?

Genesis: Do you have a problem?

Frank: No Sir, if anything I am ecstatic to see a member of our kind as a main star, but.... I am just worried that people will be not to happy and-

Genesis: Oh I think that won't be a problem.

Shrugging his shoulders Frank wasn't going to complain since the script of its self was a work of art. He was entrapped when he started reading it and already he is wishing to see more after the cliff hanger he was left on.

Frank: Well sir while I am willing to publish it, all we really need to do is work out is how much money you are asking for and-

Genesis: 40%/ 60% in your favor.

Genesis knew that he was taking a small risk but with risk comes reward if it is done correctly, he knew that if it went as popular as it did back in his home realm then 40% should be more then enough for Whitley and if that isn't the case there are other things he is willing to write.

Frank: .... Alright then sir if that is what your willing to do then just sign here and we will be done!

Nodding his head Genesis read over the contract in order to make sure he wasn't getting scammed in any sort of way, Frank didn't seem like the type of person to do that but he couldn't be too sure.

Frank: Alright then, we are done here!

Nodding his head Genesis Reached over before grabbing Franks hand to shake it. Once he stepped out of the room and the office Genesis quickly looked around before allowing himself to float towards an alleyway where Lobo is waiting at.

Genesis: Hey there buddy, did ya miss me?

Lobo: Bark!

Quickly petting Lobo on the face,hopping onto Lobo's back he held on while Lobo had started to run back towards the Schnee Household. Though while Genesis was holding on he started to think on what he should do later this night since he doesn't have too much to do unless Whitley or his "Brother" needed something.

Genesis: I could train some more, it had been awhile..... there is also Toph and her teachings!

Nodding his head he decided to wait until he got to the Mansion in order to see if he could go to the Spirit realm, for if he could then great he could train! if not then he could always wait, he is near mastering water bending since he first got here months ago.

Genesis: Lets see what the future holds shall we?

Now to any of you who may complain that they are acting too quickly or Whitley isn't "Whitley", please remeber this an a AU and NOT the original timeline so many things are different. Also to those who think Genesis is acting too much.... it can get boring on the sidelines so he will do major plays here and there.

WiseKrowcreators' thoughts
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