
She's out of the game

As promised,Mitra invites the lawyer over to the palace to make the necessary proceedings and so that Matty and Becky are officially married legally,

Ishan:"aunt Mitra! someone's here to see you!"

Mitra:" oh Ishan my boy that's not just anyone, its the lawyer I talked about "

Ishan: " I'll call the rest then"

The whole family including Asmita and Ruksar gather to watch the signing proceedings,

Mitra:" this is Mr Agarwal,the lawyer I talked about. Mr Agarwal please proceed"

Agarwal: " are both parties ready with their witnesses? "

Becky:" am ready with my mom as witness "

Matteo:" am ready with my family as witnesses"

Agarwal: " okay then, here are papers and pens so you can now sign"

Asmita(in her head):" I must do something to stop them from signing "

Ruksar(in her head):" oh no am helpless,let a miracle happen"

Becky signs the paper first but before Matteo could sign,Asmita interferes by taking the paper forcefully and tearing in half

Ruksar(in her head):" at least she did something, but then she doesn't know what's coming "

Asmita: " no one can take my Matteo away from me nobody "

Mitra and Agni get really upset this time but Mitra hits the first blow on Asmita. She takes her by hand and threatens to throw her out,

Mitra:" I've had enough of this woman! I've had it up to my neck! she keeps interfering in our lives one way or the other! as I promised, anybody disrupting the process will have me to contend with! And since Asmita is an outsider,I'll toss her out!"

Matteo: " mom cool down,she isn't in her right sense now"

Mitra: " can't you see Matty? she is pretending! there is no way that she can do this repeatedly!"

Agni: " thank you! finally someone who sees what am seeing!Asmita has been pretending all this while!"

Matteo: " stop it both of you! that's enough!"

Mitra: " whatever Matty, I'll do what's best for you,she's leaving and yes I don't care where she ends up!"

Mitra tosses Asmita out of the house and closes the palace doors,this makes Ruksar happy as she thinks she has a guarantee at staying in the mansion but something's coming to her,

Agni: " hold on aunt,you just can't throw one of them out. You left her a comp list! "

Mitra:" Ruksar? I don't wanna force,follow her now!"

Poor Ruksar walks herself out the house. However, Matteo shocks the family with the disturbing step he takes. He opens the door for both ladies who are still standing by the doorstep and asks them to come in,

Becky: " Matty what is this? are you going against your mom?"

Matteo: " its for our reputations sake,for our name as royals"

Mitra:" this is unbelievable, you are going against my orders! "

Matteo: " we can do the signing later, right now,let's give Asmita time to recover"

Mitra:" you are so difficult! you wanted to be with Becky so bad and now you're putting everything to a hold for this girl!"

Becky: " wow,you surprise me yet again!this is why I was so hesitant in the first place! you are unpredictable Matteo! "

Agni: " when will you learn not to trust blindly? am so sick and tired of trying to make you understand! you did the same thing with Nisha and because of such carelessness we faced a crisis! I tried to warn you but you turned a blind ear and eye. You are always the last one to be wise!"

Tony:" you know sometimes I wonder why you act like a fool! always thinking from your vision and not heart or mind!"

Agni: " am tired....honestly I am,it's useless handing out wisdom to you because you close the door when its knocking! do as you please am out of this case,ruin your life if you wish! excuse me "

Mitra: " its very clear you don't consider me your mother and that I have no right in your life. Am out of this case"

Becky: " you might as well marry her Matteo, am out of this"

Every member backs out of Matteo's case and he's left all alone. Agni is pissed off so she starts hitting her punching bag with Jaden trying to stop her,

Jaden:" Agni stop your nonsense or you'll hurt yourself!"

Agni: " am tired Jay I can't keep up with this nonsense! I feel like chasing those evil women out with Matteo if he interferes "

Jaden: " but you're more than cousins and its your duty to protect each other "

Agni: " I've tried to expose her for a whole month but no avail and because my silly cousin interferes!"

Agni hits the bag till it tears open,Then she receives a relieving phone call from an unexpected person. She soon passes the info to everybody,

Agni: " I was so mad when I left the living room but some news has given me relief"

Jaden:" we were in the same room yet you told me nothing "

Agni: " well Andre just called me to my greatest surprise after so long"

Asmita (in her head): " Its my brother... but why did he call Agni though? "

Agni: " you must be wondering why he'd call me,he said he got my cell phone number from Nikita. He invited us to his house first thing in the morning "

Matteo: " any idea why we must go over to his house "

Agni: " I won't lie Matteo but I don't know why so let's just wait"

Upon leaving for their bedrooms,Ruksar and Asmita taunt each other over the invitation from Andre,

Ruksar: " so Asmi,what do you think Andre invited us for?"

Asmita: " why ask me Ruksar? but come what may,any emotional moment I'll overcome "

Ruksar: " I hope so Asmi "

Early the next morning everyone is ready to go, Asmita tries to object by staying home but Agni forces her into going with them. They all get to Andre's house and they see many people gathered outside all dressed in black,this makes Asmita all the more confused. They all enter the house to talk to Andre over what's going on,

Agni: " you called as here Andre, why?"

Andre:" I lost my sister so this is her funeral, am performing her last rites "

Andre does all the necessities and this breaks Asmita's heart to a point where she can't take anymore,

Asmita: " no Andre, what have you done this. Am sorry,forgive me all my wrongs brother"

Salma:" hold on I thought she was insane"

Asmita: " am not insane okay,I just want my brother to take me back"

Andre:" you deceived them yet again didn't you Asmi? just as I thought, you'll never change. You are dead to me,the only family I have is my wife"

Asmita: " no don't say that"

Andre:" Agni, I apologise to you and everyone else for all she has done to you forgive me for not raising her well"

The royal family leave the funeral house,Ruksar goes to her house and Asmita just walks in the rain with no where to go.

Next chapter