
Not again!

Agni and Jay wait for Matteo to return so they can go to the town and start the game but another hindrance is yet to come when Jasmine's mom calls to tell Agni that Jasi has gone missing and this pisses Agni off,

Miss Jason: " hello Zara are you home right now?"

Agni: " yes yes,am home,what's it? you sound worried"

Miss Jason: " it's Jasmine, she has gone missing, I've searched around the house and the neighborhood but she's not there so am calling to ask if maybe she's at your house"

Agni: " look Miss Jason, am not in a mood to play all these mind games with you or your daughter! we couldn't do our job yesterday because of her! if this is one of her tricks then tell her it won't work! "

Miss Jason: " I promise am not lying Zara,she told me she was going to the garden to get fresh air and before I knew it she was gone "

Agni: " uh! not again Jasi! what is wrong with this girl she is always causing trouble for me! call the police and I'll help find her too "

Agni ends the call and she takes Jaden with her to look for Jasmine. She tries to reach Matty so he can help look for Jasmine too but his phone is unreachable and this makes Agni even more mad,

Agni: " what is wrong with Matteo? sometimes he acts like a kid! I sent him to buy our clothes and he disappears! this is the tenth time am calling him!"

Jaden: " he is obviously busy he'll call back "

Matteo gets home but doesn't find anyone except the security man at the gate,

Matteo: " excuse me where is Nikita and Fred? I left them in the house before I left"

Security: " Nikita and Fred went to a friend's birthday party sir"

Matteo: " what of Agni and Jaden? I left them in the house too"

Security: " miss Zara got a call from Jasmine's mother telling her that Jasi has gone missing "

Matteo swiftly gets into the car and drives off. As he leaves the yard,he spots Jasi walking towards the yard and and he stops his car to approach her,

Matteo: " Jasi what are you doing here?"

Jasmine: " oh hi sir, you're the man who came to the house with Zara, I came here to see you "

Matteo: " yes I am, wait,to see me?"

Jasi: " yes you!"

Matteo: " I should call Agni to tell her I found you,everybody is worried about you,there was no need for you to leave the house without informing anyone "

Jasi: " no no sir don't call her! wait...who is Agni?"

Matteo: " my sister... oh,you know her as Zara"

Jasi:" how many names does she have? either ways don't call her because am here to see you. There is a sport competition at my school,its a father daughter one. And I can't enter without my dad, I don't have so please be my dad and partner. I don't have a father "

Matteo:" that is no reason for you to get us worried, you should have called"

Jasi: " Zara would have been angry with me"

Matteo takes Jasmine in his car and they head to her school. On their way there,Matteo calls Agni so she can go to the school too. In return, Agni calls Miss Jason and she starts off too. Jasmine tells Matteo all of the information about herself. They get to school,the principal asks Matteo questions and he answers them all hence earning a place in the competition. They leave the office and when they get outside they meet Miss Jason, Mrs Jason, Jaden and Agni who is fuming in anger. She takes Jasmine by the hand and reprimands her,

Agni: " what's wrong with you kid? can't you ever let us have peace in our lives? Its always about you, one thing or the other!"

Jasi:" sorry Zara...."

Agni: " sorry for yourself! we have some important work to do and you keep interfering and delaying us!"

Mrs Jason whispers into Miss Jason's ear( Jasmine's mom) telling her to help Jasi out but Miss Jason refuses,

Mrs Jason: " what are you doing just standing here while that woman scolds your daughter? do something "

Miss Jason: "no mom...this time...I won't interfere in this argument, Zara has every right"

Agni continues to reprimand Jasmine,

Agni: " some lives are in danger and you are delaying! yesterday you came up with an excuse and today,what's wrong with you?"

Matteo: " Agni cool down please"

Agni: " not another word from you Matty! shush! you are just like her same mindset"

Jasmine: " don't shout at him when its my fault Zara, I don't have a father and I wasn't allowed to enter the running competition without my dad. I knew that if I told my mom she wouldn't let me go, so sneaked out to ask for his help am sorry. My friends tease me about not having a dad...sorry"

Jasmine starts to cry and Agni is reminded of the pain of not having a mom either and she cries too then apologising to Jasi and they reconcile,

Agni: " am sorry honey I didn't know,I feel your pain, I lost my mom when I was a month old. This man is my cousin, Matteo "

Jasmine: " that's sad. What is the mission you were talking about? "

Agni:" there is this bad woman holding my other family captive so I must help them. Now will you forgive me?"

Jasmine: " I have troubled you so much I forgive you "

Everybody goes back to their respective homes and wait for the competition. After sorting out everything, Agni and her team are now ready for the mission the next night.

Next chapter