
She did it

Agni decides to go and warn Asim for the last time but he is as stubborn as he was before,

Agni: " listen bold head,I am the kind of person who hates repeating herself over and over again, this is the last time am coming to this place so do as I asked you earlier "

Asim: " I also hate repeating myself, Mable, am not going to do what you ask me,I've been in this business for a long time and there is no turning back"

Agni: " you are so stubborn, but am way more stubborn than you. I'll take it that you are confused and that you just want a clear picture, I mean look at you, how many times have I told you am Zara? But that little influenced can't stick on the back of your head can it?"

Asim: " I don't care who you are,my answer remains the same,am not going to stop been corrupt! "

Agni:" okay, don't say I didn't warn you when I descend on you because not even your baby thugs will save you "

Agni leaves the office and decides its time Asim is taught a big lesson. As Asim's daughter is leaving her workplace, when some unknown people in a van with tinted windows abduct her and is taken to a deserted place. Asim gets home and is worried sick about his daughter who hasn't come home yet. His wife gets the feeling that her daughter might be in some sort of trouble. Asim however,keeps a positive mind that his daughter must be hanging out at her friends place,

Asim's wife:" am so worried sick about our daughter, where could she be at this time"

Asim: " shoes fine she's a grown up "

Asim's: " you should call the police or better still ask your men to go and find her she might be in some kind of trouble"

Asim:"she might be hanging out with friends at the movies or maybe having a sleepover so keep calm"

After having this conversation, Asim gets a phone call from a strange number,

Asim: " its a strange number"

Asim's wife:" well pick the call,it might be important "

Asim picks the call,

Asim: " hello? "

Agni: " hi there Asim?"

Asim: " who are you and who gave you my number "

Agni: " relax Asim, am not a stranger to you. Its Zara or as you like to call me...Mable "

Asim: " why are you calling? if its about the contract then forget it!"

Agni: " calm down Asim, temper is not good for your health especially at your age. Since you're asking me to forget the contract then you might as well forget you had a daughter"

Asim: " daughter? my daughter? what have you done to her? where is she? "

Agni ends the call and this leaves Asim restless. Asim's wife asks who was calling and he fails to hide the truth because of the pressure from his wife,

Asim's wife:" who was it Asim, who was calling? "

Asim: " it was Mable, she said something about our daughter "

Asim's wife pressurises him into calling Agni again to ensure she doesn't hurt their daughter,

Asim's wife: " look Asim, you have to call her back,tell her you'll sign the contract papers "

Asim: " what? I can't do that"

Asim's wife: " what else will we do,she might hurt my baby, put your pride aside for one minute and think about your own daughter! "

Asim: " alright calm down,I'm calling her"

Agni's men ask her why she cut the call when she needs Asim to sign the papers,

Thug 1:" why did you end the call Zara? I mean you need him to sign "

Agni: " hold on now don't rush. Asim loves his daughter more than any contract, wait for a minute and he'll call begging "

As soon as Agni finishes saying this, Asim calls Agni back,

Asim: " listen Mable don't hurt my daughter, she's the only child I have"

Agni: " who said anything about hurting your daughter? I hate been a bad girl unless am pushed to do it"

Asim: " whatever you want I'll do it,just mention it,do you want money,a car anything "

Agni: " now you're talking, thinking just like a man. Unfortunately, I want none if those things you just mentioned. I know what I want "

Asim:" the contract, that's what you want. You want the contract right!"

Agni: " you just hit the nail on the head sir. Just do it and the girl comes back to you "

Asim: " I'll sign the papers but promise you'll let her go"

Agni: " I promise sir, am not gonna hurt you as long as you don't try to outsmart me. Because even if you think in your wildest dreams that you can outsmart me then you are digging your daughters grave"

Asim: " I won't do that. Send me all the details and I'll do as you ask"

Agni: " 24 hours only is his much time you have. Make sure Mr Winans is awarded the contract and until the event is over, you won't see your daughter "

Asim: " okay then its a deal I'll do it"

Agni goes back home and finds Nikita and Fred waiting for her in the living room asking of her whereabouts,

Fred:"where have you been Zara?"

Nikita: " we've been worried sick about you"

Agni:" mom?dad? am home now and am fine"

Fred: " we know,and we can see you. All we are asking from you is to tell us where you where "

Agni starts to think of an excuse," if I tell them that I went to see any if the Winans then mom and dad will ask them via phone call so that's not a good one"

Fred: " Zara speak or I'll descend on you now!"

Nikita: " cool down Fred she's just a child "

Agni: " yes dad,am just a child "

Fred: " quit playing games with me and get to the point! "

Agni: " Asmita! I went to see some friends that Jaden and I met at the mall"

Fred: " did you go there with Jay"

Agni: " yes...no,I went there alone because Jay was busy"

Fred:" call your friend right here right now in my presence!"

Agni takes out her phone and drops it hard to the floor on purpose to the extent that it breaks,

Nikita: " oh Zara careful "

Agni: " sorry dad I was shivering "

Fred: " I'll call Jaden then he'll give us Asmita's number"

Fred calls Jaden and in the pretext of trying to say something she knocks Fred's phone down. But all her efforts don't seem to be working as Nikita takes her phone out. Agni goes to the kitchen, takes a glass if water and purposefully spills it on the phone. Fred's face turns red in anger so he leaves to avoid complications.

Its the day of the event and everyone is there to support Mr Winans. To his surprise,for the first time in business history, Winans is awarded a contract. Everyone leaves the event, Asim calls Agni so she can release his daughter. Agni sneaks out to go and release Asim's daughter.

The following morning, the police come to of Fred's house with an arrest warrant for Agni,

Officer: " Mr Fred? your daughter is under arrest for the kidnapping of Mr Asim's daughter "

Nikita: " that's impossible, Zara would never do such a thing, you're mistaken "

Officer:" we have the victim here to testify"

Asim's daughter steps out and testifies to Agni abducting and torturing her. Agni decides to follow the police without any hesitation. The entire family come to see Agni and ask if the accusation is true and are shocked by the response,

Nikita: " Zara my girl,is it true that you kidnapped her?"

Agni: " it is true"

Jaden: " did you torture her?"

Agni: " I abducted her but didn't torture her,why on earth would I want to do that to a fellow girl? "

Fred:" am so disappointed in you"

Jaden takes Nikita with her and they go home. Jaden however stays with Agni,

Jaden: " Zara I know you didn't do it so why admit to it?"

Agni: " am admitting because I did it"

Jaden: " I'll hire a lawyer to get you out of here "

The lawyer tries his at most best to bail Agni but the case is too strong and it leads to a court procession. Before she is taken to court,Asim comes to the station to mock Agni,

Asim:" you thought you were clever right? you might have been in your past life but I have the upper hand now"

Agni: " I told you Asim, not to things in your wildest dreams of outsmarting me but you paid a deaf ear. Whatever happens next don't blame it on me"

Asim: " nothing's gonna happen except you going to jail for messing with me"

In the court,Agni's lawyer pleads with the judge to let her go as she is innocent of the accusations. The judge tells the lawyer that for her to believe the plead there must be some sort of evidence. The lawyer submits a recording to the court containing an audio where Asim says he won't stop been corrupt. Agni asks for a chance to speak and say why she took the recording and she is given it,

Agni: " your honour, I took this recording so I can expose Asim for who he is, a corrupt leader. He won't give a contract to the deserving person until they pay or bribe him. When he came to the knowledge that I was going to expose him he did this. Yes I kidnapped his daughter but didn't torture her. I did it to help serve justice. the business industry is suffering because of this wicked man!"

Judged: " well Mr Asim, this case just turned against you. Miss Zara? you are free to go and free from all charges. Mr Asim you are now imprisoned for 2 years in jail straight for corruption is a serious offense in this town"

Before Agni leaves, she smiles at Asim and says, " I told you so "

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