
New arrival

Agni and Matty rush to their rooms to cry. Abbey follows Agni and Becky follows Matty. Agni sits in her bedroom corner and starts weeping, " am sorry papa I didn't tell you anything, your anger is justified "

Abbey enters the room and feels bad seeing Agni in the condition she's in,he gives her a hanky to wipe her tears,"you will wet your clothes if you cry all day,take the hanky and wipe the tears"

Agni takes it from Abbey, wipes her tears,gets out of the corner and shocks Abbey on what happens next," thank you for your kind gesture,but unfortunately, I will repay it with a wicked one,have a good day"

Agni leaves the bedroom. Becky enters Matteo's bedroom and consoles him," it's okay due feel bad,you did what you did to protect your sister, and I think it was so brave and so kind"

Matteo:"thank you. Becky? you've been extremely helpful and very supportive as a friend, thank you "

Becky: "don't mention it I mean, what are friends for"

Matteo invites Becky to dinner at a fancy restaurant, "I would love it if you came to dinner with me at the town's famous restaurant, I'll appreciate"

Becky delightfully accepts the invitation, " no need to be so formal, of course I will... wipe your tears,I'll get ready for tonight "

Nisha is in her own new bedroom and is already plotting against the family. She calls her mother to include her in the plan," hello mom,this time you have to come and stay here with us so that our plans can be put into action,I'll be expecting you an hour from now, so hurry up"

An hour later, a woman walks into the mansion, when asked who she is, Abbey introduces her as his mother,

Salma: "excuse me my child, but who are you and what are you doing in the house?"

Abbey: " she is my mom,Mrs Angela Brandon "

Salma: "oh so this is your mother, I thought you said your parents died and that you and Nisha were raised in an orphanage"

Angela:"yes aunt,forgive Abbey its not his mistake I asked him to do it...nowadays people look for ways to tarnish other families reputation, our history is a bitter one, my husband was killed by your daughter then this love relationship between our children "

Mira:"so you are my daughters mother in law, its so nice to meet you am Mira "

Angela:"no need to bother yourself with the introduction because my son told all about this family and how kind you all are,its however so unfortunate that Nisha didn't put that into consideration, I apologize on her behalf "

Mira:"oh no my dear don't apologize, children will always be children they all make mistakes"

Angela: "you are right"

Mira:"give your bags to the servant, he will take them to your bedroom "

When Nisha and her mom get to the room, Angela already has a new plan up her sleeve and she shares it with her daughter, " I accessed everyone and 1from my conclusion I can tell from all of the family members who is difficult and easy to manipulate, Tony, Kel, Riswan,Mark,Anjali, Salma and especially that Agni, she is difficult...Mira and Mitra will be our pawns"

Nisha: "and Matty what happens to him?"

Angela: "he is in the middle of all of this, we will know how to fit him in"

Mira talks to Kel about the way he talked to Agni but gets disappointed by her husband's rude reply, "did you have to slap Agni in front of the whole family, she is our daughter and I think it was wrong of you to take action like that"

Kel:"when you are done talking and showing concern go to the kitchen and make me a cup of coffee".

Mira goes to the kitchen making some treats for everyone when Angela walks in,Mira welcomes her openly,Angela takes advantage of Mira's kindness hence she manipulates her,

Mira: "Ishan? take these snacks to Agni she needs them"

Ishan: "mom this is not fair at all you made Agni's snacks but not mine"

Mira: "stop this nonsense and go"

Ishan: "am serious ma you always take care of Agni, you support her every time but not me"

Mira: "Ishan take these snacks to Agni and don't make me loose my cool!"

When Ishan leaves the kitchen Angela starts brainwashing Mira's mind against Agni,"your son is quite right Mira, I have no right to interfere but permit me,Ishan is your biological son,you gave birth to him but its so surprising how you show care to another woman's child, for crying out loud Ishan yearns for your love,care and support as his mother,and in my opinion, Agni is taking advantage of that by depriving Ishan of it,so try to be tough with her "

Mira stays quiet for awhile and asks Angela to excuse her as she takes Kel's coffee to him. Angela feels satisfied as she thinks she just hit the bulls eye.

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