
19: Trials

Salma quickly runs downstairs to inform Riswan of what she witnessed, " Riswan! someone has taken Mable from the dressing room, when I entered the room she was all ready but before I could take another step,the lights went off,two minutes later they went back on but Mable wasn't there anymore "

Aryan and his family are fully surprised to hear this. Riswan vents his anger on the guards," what were you doing! where were you when someone entered the house and kidnapped my daughter you foolish men,now go look for my daughter and don't come back without her or I'll have your heads cut off go now!"

Aryan is frustrated to with the news he however promises Riswan he'll make sure to bring Mable back, " don't worry uncle I'll contact the police inspector and they find Mable "

Aryan and his family leave the house and so do the guests. An hour later, Mable wakes up and finds herself in a at strange place,tied up on a chair. She calls out to her mother but there is no response. Suddenly two masked men walk in,Mable starts to threaten the men, " who are you people? listen, you don't know what am capable of,when I get out of this chair I will show you, let me go"

One of the masked men walks to her and starts to mock her," what did you think sweetheart, that I would let you get married to another man,never"

Mable recognizes the mans voice but is not sure so she asks him to take off the mask," who are you,? show me your face if you are man enough"

The two men unmask themselves and Mable is left speechless when she sees their faces," what? Kel?Ishan?, why would you do this? "

Kel tells Mable why he did what he did" I felt like giving up but then I remembered what we share and I just couldn't let another man take you from me"

Mable shouts at Kel for not standing up for himself, " you are a coward,why didn't you face my father instead of using these cheap tricks I am so ashamed of you "

Kel responds to the scolding with some news that leaves Mable shattered and worried," you can call me whatever you want,but let me shock you, tomorrow we will be getting married with or without family "

Mable tries to say something but Kel asks Ishan to put a gag over her mouth.

The next day, Aryan goes to Kel's house and warns him," I know you are hiding Mable some where,you better bring her back or else hell will let loose"

Kel shows no sign of fear or guilt," what are you talking about,what happened to my fiancée? "

Hearing the word fiancée, Aryan gets mad and irritated to the born, " keep quiet! you fool she is mine,and I know you are pretending to be innocent but mark my words if I find out you are responsible, I won't spare you "

Meanwhile at Riswan's house Mira and her team of policemen come to the house with no news of Mable's whereabouts. Just then, Mark walks into the house,Riswan asks him why he has come to the house, Mark goes on his knees and starts to ask for forgiveness," I have wronged you my friend, forgive me for not trusting you. forgive me for what I have done to you and your family I beg you "

Riswan finds it hard to believe that Mark has changed and accuses him of kidnapping his daughter, " you can't and will not change, you are a pretender, you kidnapped my daughter and you come to my house and pretend to be sorry,get out now!"

Riswan asks the guard to throw Mark out of the house.

What will Mable do to convince Kel not to plan a secret marriage?

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