
Realistic Nightmares

The panic attacks were coming more often these days.

Marcellus had only experienced them a handful of times, which was surprising given his history. There is always a trigger, and most of the time, he can feel them coming and will remove himself from the situation before they hit. The attacks were awful but infrequent enough that he assumed they would eventually disappear.

Unfortunately, after a long period without any episodes, they began to resurface - more particularly, after Marcellus and Winter got together.

They struck without warning, slithering into his dreams and attacking when he was at his most vulnerable. Repressed memories crawled up to the surface of his consciousness and warped into horrifying scenarios. The nightmares were strong enough to stir him awake in the middle of the night - each time resulting in a full-blown panic attack.

Marcellus didn't have a good night's sleep for the past couple of days. 

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