
Meanings to Flirting

Asking a playboy about how he sees a girl he often meets with will probably lead to an undesirable scenario – at least, for Winter, that is.

Then again, Marcellus still has the audacity to flirt with her from time to time. He has the weirdest sense of humor, which, for some reason, serves as one of the main reasons why he gets along with everyone. And while he does have some instances that make her blood run cold, he is still good to have as a companion. 

Another thing is that he can't stand any dead airs or awkward silence. That's why he doesn't run out of things to say, and even if it means messing around with her in any possible means, he will continue to shoot his mouth off. Teasing her has become one of his sources of entertainment as well, though she doesn't really feel offended by any of it.

After all, in every mocking remark that he throws at her, she has something to retort back.

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