
Silent Treatment

Though Winter had been relieved that Marcellus did not call her a lunatic or a liar, she could still tell through his silent treatment that he was so dubious that he put aside his confusion.

He told her to head back with him, but other than that, he did not say anything else. She accepts his skepticism, and she knows that he has this side with him - this was how he used to act whenever he was at a loss on how to deal with a certain matter.

'This is fine, though. This is even better, actually...' Winter tried to reassure herself.

'As long as he is not pushing me away, I can still continue persuading him.'

At the moment, they are about to pass through a store that sells electronic appliances and home furniture.

While Marcellus proceeds on his way, Winter comes to a still after catching sight of something on the screen of the television that is being displayed at the storefront window. Right then, her eyes bulged wide and her mouth dropped for a little.

There is this news broadcast that is covering the esteemed Middleton's upcoming founding anniversary.

Her biological family is that distinguished and prestigious. They're well-acclaimed across the country as well. Even something like this is being reported on television.

'Oh, so it's finally that time of the year, huh? After this anniversary, I'll be attending the next one-' she thought then cut herself off as soon as the coverage pointed the spotlight on a certain someone.

The person being shown on the screen right now is none other than her adopted sister, Bianca.

She is said to possess unparalleled beauty and is chased by many admirers. Then again, with those striking features of hers, everyone can't deny that. Her voluminous strawberry blonde curls cascade all the way down her shoulders, and her ocean blue eyes are beaming with overflowing charms.

Bianca really appears like an angel - but unlike others, Winter knows better.

'A modern day saintess, they said...' she recalled what people kept calling her back then, which made her narrow her gaze in disdain and contempt.

'It is only a matter of time before you continue living with such a deceitful image, big sister.'

Just before her thoughts went darker and spilled into her expression, her companion appeared beside her out of nowhere. He managed to catch her watching the news broadcast, but he failed to make sense of her intent gaze and unsettling silence.

"What's the matter?" Marcellus asked, making her turn to look at him.

"Nothing," Winter answered and shook her head in response.

She had only finished revealing one of her biggest secrets to him. That's enough for today. She needs to wait a little bit longer before she tells him about this particular matter.

While he only continued staring down at her, he noticed something that stole his attention almost immediately. He then started scanning their surroundings in a hurry.

"Hmmm? What's wrong?"

It appears to Winter that Marcellus is sensing an alarming presence, considering how his expression turns grim and serious all of the sudden.

"Someone is watching us..." he muttered underneath his breath, keeping his calm even when he finally spotted what his premonition was all about.

"No, not just someone. There is at least two of them."

"Who are they...?" she asked with a perturbed look, keeping herself from turning to where he was looking at to avoid getting their suspicion.

"Those from the raffle, perhaps?"

"Probably. Regardless of who they are, I don't think this is a kind of attention I can tolerate. We should get out of here."

She almost forgot. He was not a man to be taken lightly.

By that, Winter meant that Marcellus already had a fair share of experiences that were similar to this, which was why he immediately understood their present predicament.

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