

They had reached the bottom of the Obciris Mountains and had opened the tunnel, now she and the rest of the rebels that had departed in her group, that is to say, everyone but Axton and his party, were now navigating the subterranean tunnels. The light from the torches was full of fire and warmth and when she saw it she couldn't help thinking of Ana. She saw the undulating shadows it cast on the cave walls and could only think that it was like Ana too in that way. Throwing out darkness to try to choke out her burning heart, or was it to protect it. She couldn't tell anymore.

Ever since they had entered the tunnels she couldn't stop thinking about Ana, about what they had been doing to her for so long. About what she herself had done. And how this torch she carried seemed to be the only thing keeping the darkness at bay.

"Lex! Over here." It was Reagan calling to her from a few paces behind. She jogged up to walk beside Elexis. "Can you refill my canteen? Bevin gave all my water to Oya, said she's a growing girl or some bullshit." She nodded and Reagan handed her the flask which she traded Reagan for the torch. Elexis reached in and out, into the network of underground rivers around them and pulled a stream of clean water from a crack in the cavern wall. It flew right into the flask and Elexis screwed the cap on handing it back to Reagan.

"You seem quiet, what's wrong? Is it about that Cinis thing, because if it is I'll go there and kill her myself!"

"No, no it's nothing I'm fine." She hadn't told anyone about Ana yet. The first thing she'd done was send Conner down to the Southern Islands, if he found out he'd charge in head first and get captured. She knew she would have to tell them eventually, and she would, once they got back to the main camp. Once she could discuss it with the council. For now she would be quiet about it. Reagan gave her an annoyed look as if she were being dramatic before handing her the torch again. All she could do was keep walking, seeing Ana, burning like the torch in her hand.

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