While browsing in desperate search for a good sci-fi novel, i stumbled upon "Dead Star Dockyards"... And i got hooked, badly.
The premise of the story is a bit out of the box, but that's a welcome change compared to the overused tropes nowadays. Complex worldbuilding (without unecessary info dumps), excellent characters building, be it for the principal ones or the secondary ones, good grammar and spelling, which is always appreciated, and a slow and steady development of the story, mainly due to the complexity of it. Still, it never feels... lenghty.
In other words, this is a gem in the making and i'm dumbfounded how it doesn't have more recognition or exposure at this point.
If i were to point one regret about this novel, it would be the speed of the updates, but like i said : i'm hooked !
I hope the author won't let us starve for too long, especially considering that is pen name is "Cakeonfrosting" !
Please dear author, don't leave us hanging and DO NOT stop writing !