
On the way.

Vanessa stares off into the distance watching Oliver's back disappear into the crowd of jostling people coming in and out of the park as her mind begins to wander imagining having someone like him on the Robotics team. Lost in her own thoughts a sudden and heavy hand grips her shoulder softly causing her to turn around quickly and jump back with a slight shriek. "Ahh! Sorry about that babe, I was just lost in thought for a moment there, so did you finish up your game already?"

A boy slightly smaller than Elijah is looking at her with a playful smile stretched across his face as he pulls his hand back laughing. He is lightly tanned, wearing a navy blue shirt with the word -Play!- across the chest, a pair of black gym shorts with the Elextrian crest at the bottom, and a pair of navy blue hi-tops. "HAHA! No need to apologize there, gorgeous. I would've called out to you two, but it's always fun to see you freak out. Yeah, I finished it up pretty quickly and honestly it felt more like a practice than anything else. I guess that guy over there is the only one worth playing out here in Chicago, so what did I miss?"

Elijah is looking at them trying to figure out what went wrong as he has a defeated look plastered on his face. The guy gives him a worried look as he gestures towards Elijah, "Damn, what happened to you man? Babe, why does he have that same look from when someone took the last turkey club from the cafe? It's kinda making me worried."

Elijah gives him a scowl as he grunts lightly, which makes him laugh as Vanessa takes one last look at the exit and back at the guys before hopping up on the edge of the fountain wrapping her arms around the boy's shoulders. Elijah walks over to the ledge and leans against it as he looks at the boy, "Ty, that was only because we were late since we had to run suicides all practice because you skipped and you know it. Well that doesn't matter right now, but it's just I'm really bummed that Ollie declined our offer before we were even able to get a word out. I honestly figured bringing over the manager of the club would be enough to smooth things out, but he saw right through everything like he always does and just left. Still as smart as the day I left, but he doesn't seem like himself, more like a ghost that's wearing my childhood friend. I don't know what's wrong with him, but all I know is when he sets his mind to something it's hard to change it."

Tyler looks at him with a half smile, "Dude, do we really have time to be worrying about some hermit who has no interest coming back out into the real world? Look, I understand he's your friend and all, but maybe he's happy like this, and having his best friend push something on him is hurting him more. We have the Fall Tournament coming up and we're all the way out here in Chicago and since it seems like a no go maybe we should start heading back before it gets too dark."

Elijah notices the determined look in Vanessa's eyes as he gestures for Tyler to look up which he does and looks back at Elijah shaking their heads lightly, coming to the same realization they have gotten used to. "Yeah you might be right about all that Tyler, but I don't think she feels the same way about it. Just like when she made us sneak into that junkyard for some spare scraps for her club we have no say about these things when she gets that look. Why do I always end up around people who get that look in their eyes that makes you want to follow. How about we wait until she gives up before we start making our way back, and if anything it gives me time to hang out in my hometown. It has been a long time coming."

Vanessa is looking off into the distance still deep in thought completely oblivious to their conversation as she looks down at the boys and hops off the ledge. She looks at Elijah eyes full of hope, "You know him better than anyone right? What are the chances of him actually joining Elextrian? I just want to make sure so I won't be wasting my breath."

Elijah looks at the entrance with a smile as he looks back at them running his hand through his hair, "If you're asking for percentages I would give it about a 35% chance he will come to school, but if push comes to shove I think I can make that a 55% chance. It all just depends on if he has picked up his tools again or not."

"What do you mean picked up his tools again?" Tyler says curiously. 

"Some things happened in his past and he nearly killed himself working, and before I left I heard he locked up the lab and put his tools down for good. I can't be sure but something about him gave me the impression he's back to working and if that's true it could be a way in." Elijah says looking back towards the exit of the park. 

Vanessa takes a deep breath pulling a yellow ribbon from her pocket and tying her hair up in a ponytail leaving a single strand of hair down the side of her face as she nods softly at Elijah. Tyler looks at her with a smile on his face as his phone vibrates in his pocket. He takes it out as he takes a slight step backwards before Vanessa says, "Okay, that could work. Would it be too much to ask if you could take us to his house? I want him to hear what the club has to offer before he declines because from what I saw with that guy his mind is one of the sharpest I have ever met. A mind like his has no business being locked away from the world, and if I can do anything about that I will."

Elijah looks at her with a smile on his face hearing that from someone who just met him thinks what has always been on his mind. He picks up his stuff from the floor and puts the form back in the bag as he looks at them with a smirk, "Yeah, I think I can do that. I won't make any promises that he will actually listen to you, but I can at least get you to the door. Let's hurry, because the deeper he gets into his own mind the harder it is to get through to him."

Vanessa and Tyler trade glances as she smiles and he looks slightly annoyed as Elijah gestures for them to follow him. Tyler is reluctant to move, but Vanessa grabs his hand and drags him along begrudgingly as he asks, "Eli, what is so great about this guy anyways? From what you told us this dude dropped out of school and cut himself away from everyone and everything in his life. He might not even be working again, couldn't this all be a massive waste of time? He seems to enjoy being a loner, so why don't we just let him be and enjoy the rest of our time here? I understand that you said he is good with machines, but I'm sure there is someone out there just as good as that hermit."

"Ty, you didn't see what that guy was able to do. In moments he was able to deduce why we came here, all from a simple introduction from Eli and that was moments after he had a panic attack. It was crazy." Vanessa grips his hand tighter as they pass through the front entrance.

Elijah stayed quiet as they made their way to a stop light before looking at Tyler with a slight smile on his face. "She's right. Also he's not just good with machines, when we were kids it felt like the machines were speaking to him when he would work. We were always in awe watching him work. It was unlike anything I had or have seen in my life and because of an incident years ago involving his parents he drove himself insane working night after night until his body became exhausted and he almost died, again. When he came home after that it was like a light in his life was extinguished and the only thing that was left of him was an empty hull, but what I saw today he's fallen even further. I tried to get him to go to Elextrian but he said no time after time and eventually he was really all alone with just an AI. There is one thing though, there isn't another person like him out there. No matter where we looked or who we compared him to, there is not a single person out there who could take his place, so no there isn't anyone just as good."

"Again?" Vanessa says pain etched in her voice.

"I said too much about a story that isn't mine, but just know that he's lived a tough life and it's only gotten worse as time has gone on." Elijah says, forcing a smile. 

Tyler looks at him softly and says, "That's hard to hear man I couldn't imagine living with that day in and day out. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, but isn't that reason enough to leave him alone? It's such a hassle dealing with thick headed people who are blinded by their own emotions like that, I speak from experience. If he wants to live the rest of his life alone, who are we to do anything about that?"

Vanessa shoots him a scowl and pulls her hand from his as she was about to say something Elijah interjects, "There are two people in this world other than my family and Tor that want to see him happy and living the best life he can and I am one of them. The other moved away a long time ago but still has him in their heart. For the past three years I have felt like a failure, because my brother has been alone without any one checking up on him. If he really wants to be alone I will accept that, but if there is a chance he will come with us then I should take it. It's selfish I know, but I was talking to Chloe about it and realized I need to be a little selfish and help him. If at the end of the day he says to leave it alone I might have to fully leave him alone, because I won't be able to sit back and watch him kill himself."

Tyler walks over to Elijah and places a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry man, I didn't mean for it to come out so rude. I understand exactly where you're coming from, but if he isn't hurting anyone should you really be stressing about it?"

Elijah turns to look at them with a small smile on his face, "You're right I shouldn't be stressing myself out, but I do it because if me and my family don't worry about him then who will. The way his mind works to solve each and every thing it honestly feels like there isn't a problem in the world that can't be solved in it. It feels like the world is telling him step by step the things he needs to do to fix anything and everything. Seconds after something presents itself his mind already has 10-20 possibilities as to what went wrong, and I don't think he should keep holding himself down in that house day after day wasting his intelligence. If there is a way I can help pull him up from the sea of emotions he's drowning in then I will jump in there and bring him up."

Vanessa smiles at Elijah's response and Tyler nods at him understanding what he meant. They walked the rest of the way in silence as Elijah didn't feel like he had anything else to add on the subject. After walking about 15 minutes from the park they make their way to his cul-de-sac and eventually his house. "Woah, this place is in worse shape than I thought. I can't believe he's been living like this, but here we are Ness. Around the back there should be a cellar and inside you will find him in his lab. Before you head inside I need to say something. Please do everything you can in order to bring him to the academy. My family and I hate the idea of him being all alone with just his AI. I can promise you that if he joins your club you will have an advantage over those 5 schools. He will take you as far as you want if you bring him along."

She smiles softly at Elijah and grips Tyler's hand before making her way across the yard. Tyler tries following her but is stopped by Elijah. "He has trouble talking to people when I am around, because he expects me to talk in his place. We need to plan for the Fall tournament anyway, so she can deal with him. She will be safe I promise."

Vanessa looks around at the house, the unkempt yard, the trash strewn everywhere and a somber expression takes over, but she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath causing a smile to take shape. As she walks up the driveway her mind begins to wander. 'Come on Ness you only get one chance to get it right. He has to come with us, because if anyone can take the place of the former captain and help us it's him. How should I go about this?'

~~~In the abandoned warehouse district

Mr. Wylan is sitting at his desk going over some paperwork as a heavyset man walks up slowly and plops himself down on one of the two maroon chairs in front of the desk. "Wylan, have you found a challenger for me, because I heard the little guy I was supposed to face met with an unfortunate accident. I don't want to just take the title and run, but if you haven't found anyone for me to face should I prepare a speech for when you just hand me the title and my name is cemented as the Illinois Underground Champion?"

Mr. Wylan puts the papers down slowly as he looks the man dead in the eyes causing the hair on his arms to stand up. "Brick, how many times must I ask you to make an appointment when you enter my office, because I need to have my cleaning crew on standby so your putrid scent doesn't linger when you leave."

"HAHA! You are a funny guy, fox. Now enough games, will I have a fighter tonight or will you curate this whole event around me and give me the respect I deserve. Mr. Karasu gave me his blessings when I was the Colorado champion 3 years in a row and I was promised real fighters when I moved out here a year ago. Instead I have been put up against pipsqueaks who can't even last a full round against my Behemoth, so either you find me a worthy challenger or else you and your little friends here might meet an unfortunate accident like the former number 2." Brick has a wide grin on his face showing off his disgusting yellow and chipped teeth before slamming his hands on the desk and walking out of the room.

"Ugh, vile little cretin. Ian, please have the cleaning crew come in and do a full detail of my office twice, because I don't want any foul stenches making themselves permanent guests. Are there any updates on the Boy Wonder project?" Mr. Wylan presses a button on the P.A. system on the wall next to him as he is spraying the area Brick was sitting with disinfectant. 

"Right away sir. He came home not too long ago, but there seems to be something else. 2 boys are standing at the end of the driveway talking to each other and a young girl around the same age is sneaking up on the house. Should our men scare them off before they do something that could make our problem a little more difficult?" A voice responds through the phone.

"He mentioned something about meeting an old friend so it's not too worrisome, and if Tor hasn't alerted me yet then there is nothing for us to worry about. For now tell them to keep a close eye on the situation and step in if things escalate, but make sure Oliver doesn't notice them. Maybe if things go right those kids could help move along things and solve our little situation for us." Mr. Wylan smiles softly as he gets a message on his personal phone.

His eyes widen at the message as he takes a deep breath before fully collecting himself. "I will get back to you Ian, the big boss wants to speak with me right now. Keep me updated on the situation please, but above all else if he gives you a call tell your men to rush over and bring him straight over here I don't know how long I can keep that big idiot happy until he starts a ruckus." 

Mr. Wylan looks up and closes his eyes softly before whispering to himself. "I'm doing the best I can, Jack. He just misses you both too much, but I won't give up on him, ever. Duty calls, little brother."

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