
Chapter 10: Sign up

(This will be a relatively short chapter, to be honest I don't have any ideas for the chapters after this so I'll need some time to think. If you have any ideas as to what Kasumi should act out for the auditions please feel free to leave suggestions! Enjoy the chapter.)


"You want to audition?" My mother gave me a questioning look.

I gave my mother a bright smile. "Yup! Remember when I said I wanted to be an actress? This is the perfect opportunity!" Excitement glimmered in my eyes.

She set down her empty cup of ice cream on the table and looked at me seriously. "Are you positive this is what you want? This type of thing can cause you a lot of problems later on."

"I've wanted to be an actress for quite a while. Sure I also want to be a hero but who said I can't do both?" I said without hesitation.

She sighed, her hands rubbing her temples. "If it is what you want, I'll sign you up for auditions."

At those words, I couldn't stop the excitement from escaping. "YES!" I shouted. Everyone around us stopped what they were talking about to glare at me for interrupting.

"Uh.. sorry?" I apologized with an awakened smile.


My mother and I walked up to the counter, the receptionist just finished with the people in front of the counter so it was our turn.

We arrived at the theater where the auditions were held awhile ago.

"Hello! How can I help you today?" The receptionist gave us a kind smile and waited for a reply patiently.

"Hello, my daughter would like to sign up for auditions." My mother gestured to me who was slightly hiding behind her legs.

The receptionist pulled out a piece of paper and a clipboard. "Please fill out this form, we will inform you of the next round of auditions within a day or two." She handed me a pen and we went to a set of chairs against the far wall.

Looking down at the form, I read out it's contents.

"Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name: (not required for a legal adult) ________"

"Phone contact information: _________"

"Participants Name: _________"

"What are the participants auditioning for: _________"

I took a few minutes to fill out all the required information.

"Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name: Jasmine Snow"

"Phone contact information: ############"

"Participants Name: Kasumi Snow"

"What are the Participants auditioning for: acting"


We handed the clipboard back to the kind receptionist and left the building. During the entire ride home, I wondered what I would be acting out. I knew it had to have been something I've seen or heard before.

I suppose I was thinking for quite a while. Before I knew it, we were back home.

Entering my room, I made a dive towards my bed. My face hit my pillow and I sighed in comfort. The silence was interrupted by someone calling me on my phone. Looking at the phone number, I recognized it as the Midoriya's home phone. I picked up the call, greeted by Izuku's voice.

"Kasumi! How are you?" Izuku's cheerful voice flowed into my ear.

"Hello Izuku. I'm good, you?

"I'm good! Katsuki just showed me an new trick with his quirk! I still haven't gotten mine yet." His voice trailed out at the end. I felt bad since I knew that he won't have a quirk till All Might declares him his successor.

"I'm sorry, I believe you'll have one!"


We talked for a little while after that. I told him all about my day and how I will be auditioning. It was getting late so we had to hang up. My eyes felt heavy and I subconsciously closed them, falling into a deep sleep.


(Thanks for reading!)

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