
I don't accept free things

''Welcome back from winter break. I'm sure you all spent it well?'' Mr. Nelson said to the students who were whispering as they looked at the new girl.

''Oh, we have a new girl? She is pretty, right?'' Caroline turned to Zen who was sitting behind her.

Zen didn't say anything but his gaze was on the girl. Their eyes met and the girl looked away immediately.

''You're all wondering who she is right? Well, she is a new transfer student from District V. Introduce yourself''

The new girl looked at the class swiftly and her gaze went back to Zen again. She became curious after noticing that he was still looking at her. They stared at each other for a while until the teacher called her.

''Student, introduce yourself''

''She seems mesmerised by Zen'' one student said from the back.

''Quiet!!! Introduce yourself''

The girl nodded and introduced herself, ''my name is Purple Brown''

Next chapter