
New Innate Ability and Bloodline

"I'm shocked you didn't cry in front of her, Host." Claire's figure emerged in front of him and drifted around while she spoke.

Mike remained mute as tears streamed down his cheeks. After a few minutes, Mike asked, hoarsely, "What should I do, Claire?"

"The answer is already in your heart. Just keep following it, and you'll finally find the path." Claire didn't linger too long and quickly returned to his body. Mike eventually closes his eyes for a few minutes longer. Despite the fact that he was surrounded by other options, he was still circling that one.

And that decision was also an important one for him.

Knock! Knock!

"Mom, come in!" When his mother knocked on the door, Mike spoke up. Hearing his remarks, she walks into the room, holding a plate with chicken spaghetti on it. She marches forward with a broad smile on her face. But as she saw those red eyes, her smile faded.

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