
Younger Sword Master

Prince Rassler was silent for a moment as he thought that the Western Empire had indeed been aiming for his Empire to be taken over.

"Yeah, I once thought that this demon attack wasn't purely because of my father's selfishness. I'm sure this must have been the intervention of the New Emperor of the Western Empire. If you have to fight under these conditions, it's 100% certain that the Southern Empire will lose." Prince Rassler looked down in annoyance at being unable to do anything, there was no combat force left for him to manage.

"Then how about you hire us to counter the Western Empire's attack?" When Prince Rassler was confused about the army, Evan immediately offered his services.

"Employing a strong Adventurer Party of course you won't work for free right? What pay would you like to ask for?" Without getting angry or suspicious of Evan's offer, Prince Rassler casually understood the meaning of his offer.

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