
22. The escape

--- Am I in space?!

Yes. At the moment, August is in space and on a spaceship, he quickly leaves his home planet. If he didn't get out of here quickly, all he could do was wave goodbye.

--- Okay. First, where am I ?

It was an empty room. It was completely gray and had no furniture.

" Now I understand why my back hurts so much. "

There were only two exits to the room. One was a porthole, the other was blocked by an unusual yellow field.

" I think the choice is obvious. "

He came close to the field and touched it with his hand. August felt that the field did not bring him pain, but he felt a little resistance when he tried to leave the cell.

" If I use a little strength, I can easily get out. "

He started putting pressure on the pitch. The field began to stretch, but the resistance also became stronger. And then, just as he was about to get out, he heard footsteps. This distracted him and the field immediately threw him back into the cell.

" Ouch ! It's painful, but bearable. "

The footsteps were getting closer, and voices could be heard.

--- Why should we let them live ?! We should have split them on the spot !

--- This is a direct order from the Diamonds ! You dare to go against them ?

--- Okay. But why did we take the man ? He's useless, isn't he ?

--- In your fight, he showed what people are incapable of. Our information is outdated. Most likely, their species has evolved. We need to collect the data and dissect it.

--- Do whatever you want.

--- I was going to

They approached Augustus ' cell.

--- I think the man is awake.

--- I see Jasper.

--- What happened to the others ? Where is Lapis ?!

--- You are being taken to your HomeWorld. There will be a trial where the verdict will be pronounced for all your misdeeds.

--- You didn't answer my question

--- I don't have to. I hope you live to see us arrive.

Then Jasper and Peridot left. As soon as their footsteps receded, Augustus scrambled out of the cell.

" We need to find everyone and get out of here. "

Suddenly he heard singing in the distance. It was a beautiful voice. I think it was a sign.

" Who's singing this ? I don't remember any of the gems singing. "

She followed the sound of the song and quickly reached the place where they were singing. It was an unfamiliar gem. It was completely blue. Her eyes were covered by her hair, she was wearing a dress and she had long gloves on her hands. She noticed him.

--- August

--- Do you know me ? I'm sure you don't.

--- I'm a Sapphire

--- So it's you ! Nice to meet you !

--- Me too

--- Do you know where the others are ?

--- Yes. Go left. Their cameras are there

--- Let's get you out of here first.

Next to the camera was a panel. There were a lot of symbols on it that August couldn't understand. So he did what everyone else did in his place. He broke it. The camera opened.

--- An interesting way to solve the problem

--- Thank you

--- Sapphire !

A voice came from behind, and another unfamiliar gem appeared. It was a small gem. She was wearing shorts and a T-shirt, and she had a glove on her hand.

--- Ruby !

They ran to meet each other and hugged each other.

--- Are you all right ?

--- Yes. How are you ?

--- I don't care.

--- I don't

They laughed happily and danced around. After that, a white light appeared and Garnet appeared with a laugh.

--- Ha-ha ! August !

This is the first time August has seen her without her glasses. She had three eyes. One was red, the other blue, and the one in the forehead was purple.

--- Garnet ! I hope I made a good impression ?

--- Yes. We are happy to meet you.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded. There was red everywhere and Jasper appeared next to them.

--- Escaped ! And again merged ! And a man, too ! This time I will beat you so hard that you won't get up again !

--- Go August ! Save the others, I'll hold her back.

--- Good. Be careful !

He went to the other cells, quickly found the gems there, released them, but there was a problem. Lapis wasn't there.

--- Where is Lapis ?!

--- We don't know ! We need to get out !

--- Go without me ! I'll go find Lapis !

--- August !

He started running around the ship. From one compartment to another, but there was no sign of Lapis. Hope was almost gone when he finally found her.

--- Lapis !

--- August ! Get out ! Leave me alone !

--- Never ! We'll only leave together !

He released her from the cell and gave her a big hug.

--- You fool ! You should have left without me.

--- I would never leave you.

They held each other tighter and tighter. They missed each other. A white light began to radiate from them. Something new is coming soon. But when the process was almost completed, they were interrupted by a shard that fell nearby. They abruptly separated. They were breathing hard

--- This...it just happened.

--- Merge...we almost merged

--- Let's get out of here !

They made their way to the hulk where the lifeboats were. There were others waiting for them.

--- August ! Over here! The ship will soon be blown up !

Augustus and Lapis managed to get into the boat at the last moment and get out of the ship. As soon as they left, the ship exploded. Fragments began to fall from the ship, but thank God that none of them hit them. They were able to land safely near the beach house.

As soon as they got out of the boat, they were met by Stephen.

--- Guys !

They all made massive hugs. Although they had not been on Earth for quite a short amount of time, it was an eternity.

--- And so. When the danger was over. We need to continue our conversation....

I was about to finish Grant when suddenly! Jasper appeared from the wreckage !

--- You ! You bastards ! I will destroy them all ...

Before she could finish speaking, Augustus appeared at her side and smashed straight at her rock ! Because of this, her physical form quickly disappeared. When he took the stone and turned around, everyone was looking at him with a strange look.

--- What ?! She pissed me off.

--- Ahem ! Now that the danger is completely over. We need to talk seriously August.

--- Can this be postponed until tomorrow ?

--- No. Right now. You, the crystal gems, and Lapis. Conversation.

--- Damn it !

It seems that August was waiting for a serious heart-to-heart conversation with the gems. It seems August will have to open up some cards. After this conversation, their relationship will change a lot.

Next chapter